It looks like you want to search the text, title, or tag field for the name 
of a company?? Is that what you want? If you want to search in some 
non-default field, then you need to specify that field in your search.

On Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 10:06:59 AM UTC-7, Werner wrote:
> Once again, I am feeling like a complete dumbass when dealing with 
> transclusion and substitution. Still having a hard time with it. OK, here's 
> the code:
> I am refering a tiddler called activeDossier whose contents refers to a 
> JSON data tiddler. Tiddler content 
> is {{$:/data/CI/companyRegister##1/name}}. What I basically want to do is 
> auto-generating company dossiers, coming from various sources in my 
> database. I have a list of companies as JSON from which I can select. This 
> works up to the point below
> <$set name="theCompany" value={{$:/data/CI/activeDossier}}>
> !<$vars tv-wikilinks=no><<theCompany>></$vars> <!-- gets displayed 
> properly -->
> <$list filter="[!is[system]search<theCompany>]" >
> <<currentTiddler>>
> </$list>
> </$set>
> My problem is: the variable "theCompany" seems to be properly assigned, at 
> least it gets displayed properly, so what am I doing wrong when I want to 
> assign it to the list filter. I suspect, something along the transclusion 
> chain is going wrong here, but I need someone to point me at it and how to 
> find a remedy.
> Thanks to all helpful souls. 

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