Hello all,

I am brand new to TiddlyWiki and I am loving it so far. I got started a 
couple of days ago and have learned a ton about the potential uses and 

The one issue I had with getting started was finding a way to sync my 
tiddlywiki file between devices (like an iPhone and a computer.) I started 
with Note Self <https://noteself.org/> but was having some issues with it 
and it was acting a bit buggy. I considered making my raspberry pi a server 
to host my file so that I could access it across devices (that's a bit 
above my pay grade - would still like to know how to do that though). 

Anyway, I realized was that I just needed a simple way to sync devices. 
There's all sorts of cool stuff in this community but I hard time finding 
other people who wanted to do the same thing that I was trying to do. 
Please, let me know if I am wrong though.

I finally settled on using TiddlyWiki Cloud 
<https://tiddlywiki.com/static/TiddlyWiki%2520Cloud.html>. As simple as 
this route is, I still had to stumble my way through figuring it out. So I 
put together a quick tutorial on how to set it up so that you can work on 
your TiddlyWiki on any device. Let me know if anyone already has done this 
but I couldn't find it anywhere. Hopefully this will be useful to other new 

*TiddlyWiki Cloud Tutorial for working on your TiddlyWiki on multiple 

   1. Make sure you have a Dropbox account. <https://www.dropbox.com/> (It's 
   free). Follow the instructions on their site for setting up an account.
   2. Go to https://tiddlywiki.com/
   3. Click the big blue "Download Empty" box.
   4. Find the empty.html file in your file explorer (probably in your 
   downloads folder) and rename it to something like "mynewtiddlywiki.html".
   5. Log in to Dropbox.
   6. Upload the "mynewtiddlywiki.html" file into your dropbox.
   7. Go to https://twcloud.github.io/
   8. Click on the first option - tw5-dropbox.
   9. Click on Full Dropbox Access - this probably prompts you allow to the 
   app access - click on allow or yes or whatever.
   10. You should then see your tiddlywiki file highlighted in yellow. 
   Click on it.
   11. This will open up your tiddlywiki file. You are ready to start 
   making tiddlers!
   12. Bookmark this page https://twcloud.github.io/tw5-dropbox/ on your 
   browser and your phone so that you can create and edit tiddlers on both 
   devices. You can access your tiddlywiki file from anywhere, in fact, as 
   long as you go here https://twcloud.github.io/tw5-dropbox/ and log into 
   your dropbox account.
   13. I'd just reccommend backing up your tiddlywiki file every now and 
   then on to a hard drive as well (just so that it doesn't only live on 

I find I can easily work on my tiddlywiki from my iPhone. You can also 
check out Quine <https://tiddlywiki.com/#Quine> if you have an iOS device. 
I believe you can have it set up to sync with your tiddlywiki file on 
dropbox. I haven't looked into that yet, myself.


Cheers! And looking forward to being part of the community!

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