
Thanks for the update, I test installed it in my playground wiki 
https://anthonymuscio.github.io/playground.html but I will install it for 
all when I can.

I see you only have one plugin at the moment do you plan more or is this to 
help with updates?

I have not applied the plugin to a production wiki and will soon.


On Wednesday, 16 September 2020 13:44:30 UTC+10, Florian wrote:
> The SoundCite plugin now as its own plugin library located at 
> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/tw5-soundcite/library/ 
> The SoundCite plugin library can be added by dragging the following 
> tiddler to your TiddlyWiki: 
> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/tw5-soundcite/#%24%3A%2Fconfig%2FSoundCitePluginLibrary
> Then... 
> - open $:/ControlPanel in your wiki 
> - click on the "Plugins" tab 
> - click on the "Get more plugins" button 
> - under the "SoundCite Plugin Library" tab click "open plugin library" 
> - click "install" on the SoundCite plugin 
> Am 10.06.20 um 19:37 schrieb Florian: 
> > I've assembled a small plugin that allows to embed inline audio behind 
> text. 
> > 
> > Demo: 
> > 
> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/tw5-soundcite/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ffk%2Fsoundcite 
> > Code: https://gitlab.com/fkohrt/tw5-soundcite 
> > 
> > It uses the SoundCite library, the official website has a few more 
> > advanced examples: http://soundcite.knightlab.com/ 
> > 
> > The implementation is rather dirty, making use of RawMarkup tags and 
> > inline JavaScript and also doesn't work together with Camel Case Wiki 
> > Links enabled. Still, there might be some nice use cases, so if you 
> > build something cool with it, I'd be happy to see it! 
> > 
> > Feel free to use, share and contribute, the "code" (it's really not that 
> > much) is MIT licensed. And helpful feedback is also appreciated, as it's 
> > my first contribution to the TiddlyWiki universe... 
> > 

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