On Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 7:52:49 PM UTC-7, danraymond wrote:
> One issue I am having with the Calendar and Sidebar Calendar is that they 
> show as a single line for each month. That is not a "calendar" shape at 
> all? (see image).
> I am using the "Stories" plugin, maybe that is conflicting. Any ideas?

Wow!  That is very strange looking indeed.

The code that makes the calendar break into weekly row lines is this:
<$list filter="[<dd>add<first>divide[7]split[.]count[]match[1]]"><br>
(see the "showgrid(yyyy,mm,select)" macro in 

This filter uses the "divide[...]" and "match[...]" operators, which were 
added in TW5.1.20, released 9th August 2019 at 07:13
(see https://tiddlywiki.com/#Release%205.1.20 
and https://tiddlywiki.com/#Mathematics%20Operators)

If you are using a revision of TiddlyWiki that pre-dates 5.1.20, then those 
filter operators didn't exist yet.

However, because of the way filters work, those operators would not have 
produced an error and would have instead been interpreted as references to 
fields named "divide" and "match" which are not part of my calendar 
implementation, resulting in blank filter output, which would prevent the 
<br> from being output.

So, my first question to you is: what release version of TiddlyWiki are you 
using?  You can get the answer from the $:/ControlPanel tiddler, "Info", 
"Basics" tab.

If that version number is less than 5.1.20, then the fix is to upgrade your 
document to at least 5.1.20.  Note: the current release is 5.1.22, and I 
don't know if the "Stories" plugin is compatible with that version, but 
hopefully it is.

You can try upgrading by opening https://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade and 
following the instructions found there.

Let me know what you find out.



> On Saturday, September 5, 2020 at 12:49:01 PM UTC+10 Eric Shulman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm pleased to announce a new addition to my TiddlyTools suite of 
>> time-related tiddlers: *Interactive calendar display*
>> To install, just drag-and-drop the following tiddler into your document:
>> http://tiddlytools.com/timer.html#TiddlyTools%2FTimer%2FCalendar
>> Displays a yearly or monthly calendar with popups that show links to 
>>> tiddlers
>>>    - By default, the calendar displays the current year.
>>>    - Enter a year number or select a month to change the view. 
>>>    Press [X] to reset to the current year view.
>>>    - Click on a month title to toggle between annual and single-month 
>>>    view.
>>>    - Press [<<] to view the previous month. Press [>>] to view the next 
>>>    month.
>>>    - Dates on which tiddlers were created or modified and dates which 
>>>    have a Journal tiddler are colored light blue.
>>>    - Click a date to show a popup with links to tiddlers created or 
>>>    modified on that date.
>>>    - Press [pencil] to create or edit a Journal tiddler for that date.
>>>    - You can set the colors and font styles used by the calendar (see 
>>>    TiddlyTools/Timer/Setup 
>>>    <http://tiddlytools.com/timer.html#TiddlyTools%2FTimer%2FSetup>
>>>     below).
>>> With either calendar display, you can easily see on which days you have 
>>> *created 
>> *or *modified *tiddlers,
>> giving you a yearly or monthly view of your tiddler changes.  Then, click 
>> on any date to view a popup
>> that lets you view/edit a Journal tiddler for that date or quickly 
>> navigate to any tiddlers created/modified
>> on that date.
>> *You can also add a monthly calendar directly in the SideBar tabs!...*
>> To install, just drag-and-drop the following tiddler into your document:
>> http://tiddlytools.com/timer.html#TiddlyTools%2FTimer%2FSidebarCalendar
>> (note: the SidebarCalendar requires the installation of Calendar tiddler 
>> as well)
>> As a test, I dropped the Calendar into http://TiddlyWiki.com, and was 
>> able to instantly see
>> a "year-at-a-glance" overview of all the changes that Jeremy has made 
>> since January 2020.
>> Note: the Calendar currently excludes system tiddlers, so it doesn't show 
>> changes to $:/state, $:/temp,
>> and TWCore shadow tiddlers.  I will soon be adding a configuration 
>> setting to allow customization of
>> the Calendar filter so shadows and other system tiddlers can be included 
>> if desired.
>> enjoy,
>> -e

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