I like the marker idea, Charlie. Markdown tables (or wikitext tables) are 
such a pain to edit that I have been repeatedly quelling an urge to write 
separate tiddlers for each row of the one I'm writing (documenting for 
myself which macros do what, and where they live, in a personal plugin). 
It's so tempting in TW to write a "solution," thereby opening yet another 
set of parentheses before I finish the task at hand. Right now I'm jumping 
around between cells, so every time I look for my place I have to put down 
a new urge to institute a System. :)

...I actually broke down and wrote the tiddler to generate the table, and 
one single data-containing tiddler, just to scratch the itch, and went back 
to trying to maintain my discipline until the job is done. 

Tables are an annoyance in any Markdown environment, but TiddlyWiki is 
devilish in that you know you could write something on top of it to 
generate the table you're making, and organize the data while you're at 

On Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 1:23:38 PM UTC-4 Charlie Veniot wrote:

> G'day,
> Normally I would entirely agree (I had also thought of using journals), 
> but in this particular case (for a multi-tracking thing for two power banks 
> and multiple tests), I wanted the one no fuss no muss tiddler with 
> everything "right there" so to speak.
> Sometimes, when wanting to just do something quickly, extra layers of 
> "fancy formality" overhead just gets in the way. 
> I prefer keep that good stuff "fancy formality" for when it really matters.
> On Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 1:55:06 PM UTC-3, Atronoush wrote:
>> Charlie,
>>  Creating long tables is error prone and boring when you come back to 
>> edit them. Why do not use a tiddler (look at tiddler philosophy)?
>> In your case each row can be a tiddler. Every tiddler can have three 
>> fields: text field, time field and data field
>> Then simply use TiddlyTables or Shiraz dynamic table to create such a 
>> long table.
>> --Atro

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