The $variable$ variables only work with parameters from the macro -- you 
can't assign them inside the macro.

For variables that you create, you have to use the <<variable>> 
nomenclature, except inside a filter expression in which case you can use 
operator<variable> nomenclature.

Just to confuse things more, inside your macro you could also refer to the 
parameters like this

<<__title__>>  and <<__label__>>

This will get the default the way you want. I'm not sure why you're using 
the text widget instead of just placing the text, but anyways ...

\define mymac(title,label)

<$text text="""Title: $title$"""/>
<$text text="""Label: $label$"""/>

<$set name="label" filter="$label$" value="$label$" 
<$text text="""Title: $title$"""/>
<$text text="""Label: """/>
<$text text=<<label>>/>



<<mymac title:"test" >>

On Monday, November 2, 2020 at 9:53:13 AM UTC-8, Jon Dyer wrote:
> I think I'm not understanding something essential about access to 
> variables vs. params in macros and Wikitext. Suppose in a macro I'm writing 
> I want one variable to default to the value of another if it isn't present. 
> I've tried to use the SetWidget to make this work, but no matter what I try 
> I can't seem to overwrite the parameter value with what I have in the 
> <$set...> part. Can you tell what I'm doing wrong?
> For a concrete example:
> \define mymac(title,label)
> <$text text="""Title: $title$"""/>
> <br>
> <$text text="""Label: $label$"""/>
> <br>
> <$set name="label" filter="$label$" value="$label$" 
> emptyValue="""$title$""">
> <$text text="""Title: $title$"""/>
> <br>
> <$text text="""Label: $label$"""/>
> </$set>
> \end
> <<mymac title:"test" label:"hello">>

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