Today I learned that I've been wrong about self-closing tags (e.g., <img 
/>) in HTML5 for years. The new rules 
to be that they are allowed but meaningless on void elements (those that 
don't allow content), and entirely disallowed on any other elements.

Most TiddlyWiki widgets that don't have content use the self-closing syntax 
in the documentation (e.g., macrocall 
<>), and state that the content is 
"ignored". My question is, are these widgets defined like HTML5 void 
elements, so that they won't gobble up any body content if I don't close 
them? In that case, I would do best to simply stop using self-closing tags 
altogether, since they no longer have any meaning in modern HTML. Or would 
that potentially cause issues with the wikitext parser gobbling up other 
stuff as part of the "ignored" content, so that I should continue using the 
self-closing tags, but only for widgets?

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