
You can force uniqueness for each tiddler with qualify to the state eg 
state=<<qualify  $:/state/tabs>> however this will not be unique within the 

Use   <<qualify  $:/state/tabs/articles>>   
<<qualify  $:/state/tabs/documents>>  to have additional tabsets unique 
both to the tiddler and within the tiddler. 

Alternatively if you do not qualify  state=$:/state/tabs/articles  changing 
the tab in one tiddler will be reflected in all other tab sets using the 
same state tiddler. This sometimes has an advantage to users who may want 
to use a particular tab in multiple tiddlers Each open with the last 

Pick and choose according to the outcome you want.


On Sunday, 29 November 2020 at 01:53:12 UTC+11 David Gifford wrote:

> Hi all
> When the tabs macro is used, how important is it to change the state tab 
> to give it a unique identifier ($:/state/tabs/this vs $:/state/tabs/that)? 
> What is at stake? If I have numerous tab macros, but each one in a separate 
> tiddler, will they conflict with each other? Is there a reason they need to 
> be named? Or is the identifier just to help you distinguish them in the 
> sidebar more > systems tab? Or maybe to set the tab that shows as open on 
> startup? 
> With my "Stroll on steroids" idea, which leans heavily into using tabs as 
> , I want to know if I (or anyone else using this system) need(s) to do the 
> extra step of giving a unique name to  the $:/state/tab in each tabs macro. 
> Thanks in advance for your help!

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