I have a todo list and I would like to automatically add a timestamp to 
each tiddler's title so that each todo-tiddler has a unique title. I have a 
button that uses a state tiddler's body as the title of the new 
todo-toddler. So I was thinking that I would just have a macro that has two 
variables, the state tiddler's body and my timestamp and then just put them 
together and replace the body of the state tiddler. 

As a test I made a tiddler test1  with this macro to try:

\define addtimestamp(tiddler)
<$set name="curtext" tiddler=$tiddler$ >
<$set name="ts" value=<<now [UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ssXXX>> >
<<ts>> <<curtext>>

And using <<addtimestamp test2>> works fine, the macro seems to give me a 
text with the timestamp and whatever I have in tiddler test2.

And then I tried to trigger it with a button so that it would put that text 
back into the tiddler test2.

<$action-setfield $tiddler="test2" text=<<addtimestamp test2>>/>

And everything crashes. I can see that there's a billion timestamps in test2 
but I have no idea why that is! Can someone shine some light on this?

Petri M.

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