G'day Mikel, and welcome to TiddlyWikiHood!  (Or, less a mouthful:  
TiddlerHood !)

See if maybe my first TiddlyWiki project gives you some ideas:  Le P'tit 
Aurèle <https://leptitaurele.neocities.org/> (a lexicon of Acadian French)

If I was a "White Belt" in the art of TiddlerHood when I put together that 
first project, I'd say I may be a Yellow Belt today.  And when I can find 
the time, I'll be revisiting that first project and making some changes 
based on the good stuff I've learned.

Cheers and best regards !

On Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 7:34:55 AM UTC-4 Mat wrote:

> Hi Mikel. No need to apologize for not knowing stuff. There's a zillion 
> things all of us don't know about.
> You're in for a ride. But it is a very rewarding one if you're willing to 
> put in the time.
> First, you should note there is an Evernote to TW importer. I have no idea 
> how well it works but you should probably investigate this first. 
> Strangely, the only mention I find of it is a small note in a release 
> note in the docs <https://tiddlywiki.com/#Release%205.1.12>. Otherwise I 
> imagine there's some exporter in evernote to excel or csv or maybe even 
> JSON (preferred) which can then be imported into TW.
> >I also am a bit cautious because I don't want to spend hours putting my 
> encyclopedia entries into Tiddlywikis only to discover my way of creating 
> say 'contents' or 'links' is wrong and needs to be scrapped back to 
> starting again.  
> If your e.g links stay consistent then you can probably correct them all 
> at once even if they are all in some wrong format or so. You might have to 
> retort to non-standard solutions but it is probably doable, if they are 
> consistent. (For example, it is easy enough to open a TW in a text editor 
> to see all of the TW code. Therein you can use a replace feature to e.g 
> replace all occurences of some string with another.)
> >I have templates for various encyclopedia entries - [...]  My question - 
> can formatted templates be created and saved and stored 'somewhere' in TW 
> once, so I can just use them as needed?
> My guess(!) is that, yes, but it'll take some fiddling. TW definitely uses 
> templates to present things but they may not be "connected" to the content 
> in the same way that Evernote connetcs its templates to the contents. To be 
> able to fully answer this question of yours one would have to know what a 
> "template" is, programmatically, in Evernote.
> <:-)
> On Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 6:52:26 AM UTC+1 Mikel Azure wrote:
>> G'day All,
>> I'm writing a novel using Evernote and it is great for the writing 
>> flow.   My encyclopedia for the world being built has got out of control 
>> and is now slowing me down.  I figured I better get a proper encyclopedia 
>> designed, with links and all that, before it gets insanely out of size.   
>> SO,   I researched and decided on TiddlyWiki as the tool.   
>> I am a radical newb in the sense that never used any wiki before, never 
>> used google groups before, never used anything like the 'wikitext' language 
>> thing for writing instructions or code or whatever we call it.   So 
>> currently feeling a bit daunted by the overflow of new things to 
>> understand, but I am almost sixty,  I understand usage will bring 
>> comfort.... always has in the past.  
>> I also am a bit cautious because I don't want to spend hours putting my 
>> encyclopedia entries into Tiddlywikis only to discover my way of creating 
>> say 'contents' or 'links' is wrong and needs to be scrapped back to 
>> starting again.   
>> So I am apologising ahead of time for any annoyingly basic questions I 
>> ask which make you role your eyes at how I could not find the answer 
>> myself.    Here is one example -  I have noted the use of the term "story" 
>> and "sub story" but so far have not been able to find any definition of 
>> that term.   
>> I've looked at one or two youtube videos about getting started with TW 
>> and stumbled on the 'getting started' page linked to in one of the threads 
>> here.  All good.
>> I will finish with a question, if anybody managed to read this far.  :)  
>> I have templates for various encyclopedia entries - standard headings for 
>> a character profile  or  standard layout for a description of a species or 
>> culture, or cities history.   Those templates, in evernote, are formatted 
>> already so I can just rip the information into the headings without having 
>> to slow down to do the formatting and then get back to the actual novel 
>> writing.    My question - can formatted templates be created and saved and 
>> stored 'somewhere' in TW once, so I can just use them as needed?
>> Thanks ahead of time.
>> Mikel A

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