Hello Poul,

TW adaptations running on GAE invoke a certain interest in me, so I
have a few questions.

In what situation would you find this kind of "specifically hosted
solution" to be beneficial over a "genuine" tiddlywiki?

Running on GAE what would you think are workable use-cases of such a

Is this some kind of online-editable multiuser-tw-environment (with
admins,editors, users,guests) or is it's main addition some kind of
versioning? On the other hand, the version control features do not
seem to be accessible merely by looking at your demo ...or would that
be the "recent changes" list?

In general, I guess you managed to
- store tiddlers in googles kind of "loose", object oriented database
- create a kind of interface to CRUD tiddlers within the GAE system
- while GAE provides some kind of automated versioning and possibly
commenting capabilities, too


How do you go about editing tiddlers? ...and, related to that, how
does user management work?

Well, I just found the login which unveils some commenting features.
Is all built around google accounts which provide any google user with
capabilities to write comments, personal notes on tiddlers and
messages to a tiddlers author (related to that tiddler?).

When I click on "feedback", am I actually being forwarded to a kind of
"differently flavoured" sub-wiki? Or have you implemented a kind of
"context-sensitive" MainMenu? ...since that changes when openeing the
feedback system. The "feedback-wiki" also seems to provide different
user rights when it comes to commenting.

Would that same differentiation allow for a kind of dynamic theming

Would one load plugins on a "developers machine" and then deploy them
or would that simply be a 1) create a new tiddler, 2) post plugin code
and 3) hit refresh ...kind of process?

All in all, I think it would facilitate getting started with giewiki
if you could provide some diagrams that show the workings / workflow /
abilities / relations within this GAE-serverside-TiddlyWiki flavour,
so that it were less of a trial and error process of getting to know

I also think that a sample "realworld-application" with "actual
content" might be far more useful and intuitive than a "demo" site
with some "lorem ipsum" and the standard "GettingStarted".

Don't get me wrong, I think these are indeed interesting features:
- user management
- commenting
- personal notes
- "private messages"
- version control

...and they should jump right at you when you open that "sample site".
So, try to remove the noise from the demo and put either some "hard-"
or some "see-how-easy-this-works" kind of information in it.

Cheers, Tobias.

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