Hi everyone

I think I have prett much fixed Toggle. 

1. Gaps are now displayed as default, thin, hidden as three checkboxes. It 
kind of sticks at first, but then starts working normally.
2. Dropdown more or options menu in View template displays correctly, 
thanks to help from Joshua Fontany.
3. View and edit buttons hide until hovering the top part of the tiddler 
and are separate from the title. They are now slightly enlarged from 
before, and now appear in their default order. Thanks to Birthe for 
recommending the sidecontrols plugin.
4. Repackaged the plugin.

On Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 11:23:48 PM UTC-6 David Gifford wrote:

> Hi all
> Yes, you read that right, I finally got off my bum and learned Tinka and 
> created my very first plugin.
> The Toggle! plugin is a sidebar tab that allows you to toggle 
> viewtemplate, edittemplate, sidebar and other visual elements. 
> It has the ability to reduce your tiddlers down to mere boxes of text, 
> with thinner margins, smaller titles, and even reducing or removing the gap 
> between tiddlers. 
> It also has two ways to view backlinks. Don't tell that Stroll guy. Oh 
> wait, that's me.
> Demo and download: https://giffmex.org/gifts/Toggle/toggle.html 
> If you followed my CleanTids experiment, please note: there are some major 
> changes. Also, I totally re-wrote the introductory tiddlers, since I had 
> changed so much. (which are not part of the plugin).
> If you are using CleanTids and want Toggle! instead, first delete the 
> tiddlers listed below from your file. Then add the new Toggle! plugin to 
> your file.
>    - $:/.giffmex/sidebartabs/Toggle
>    - $:/.giffmex/ViewTemplate/Backlinks
>    - $:/.giffmex/ViewTemplate/Transclude
>    - $:/.giffmex/Stylesheet/CleanTids
>    - $:/.giffmex/Stylesheet/CleanTidsNoMargin
>    - $:/.giffmex/Stylesheet/ToggleTab
>    - $:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate2
> Let me know if you find any glitches. Enjoy. - Dave

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