Just in case anybody else geeks out on this stuff as much as I do ...

I found this nice (PDF) book about Fully Communication Oriented Information 
Modeling (FCO-IM) <https://fco-im.nl/pdfFiles/FCO-IM%20book.pdf>.

Any time reading anything about ORM (Object-Role Modeling) and FCO-IM, 
comprehensive texts or short brochures/papers/discussions, is, in my view, 
time well-spent and helpful to shape anybody's perspectives regarding 
componentization/structuring of her/his own information projects.

My Tifoist project is very much inspired by ORM, FCO-IM, and NIAM.  Instead 
of re-inventing the wheel, I might as well stand tall on the shoulders and 
say Tifoist is much like ORM, FCO-IM and NIAM, minus all the diagramming 
stuff.  *(I'm no much of a fan of diagrams except when created in a session 
with people as an activity to understand/solve something.  After which I 
prefer entering that information as text, then discard (or archive) the 

Cheers !

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