Hello friends of Saqs innovative writing Plugin Streams.

Streams helps to develop texts in a sort of brainstorm mode. To do this, it creates a lot of tiddlers for each paragraph.

I finally managed to update my mod/addon to this plugin, which helps to convert this Stream to a single Tiddler.




This is an addon <https://szen.io/stream/#Stream%20Mod> to Saq's stream-plugin

*The URL*

*Saq has written an ingenious flexible editor which allows to order your thoughts by writing in lists which can be rearranged using Keyboard Shortcuts <https://szen.io/stream/#Keyboard%20Shortcuts> and drag and drop.*

It does this by creating quite a lot of Tiddlers...which makes the result a little complicated to export and to search

This microaddon/Mod allows to join the branches or the whole treestructure to a single Tiddler when you have finished .

It mainly adds a modal in which you can...

flatten the whole stream or nodes of the stream.

and rename the Node

you trigger it...

by typing alt+f for flatten while you are in the writingmode of the node you want to flatten.

or with the opacity button below

(which shall imply "join")

You can try it right in this wiki.

it is a bit wierd because...

it inserts multiple linebreaks to keep the structure

I tried to make it with very few tiddlers, so the code may appear somewhat strange

To use it:

You can choose between ordered and unordered lists and paragraphs.

So if you want to transform your stream to a special structure start at the twigs an go back to the trunk.

All tiddlers that follow the generic naming-pattern ( and have "/20" in the title )will be deleted when flattening branches.

So if you want to keep the content in a seperate tiddler rename it first.

The installation is explained here:Stream Mod <https://szen.io/stream/#Stream%20Mod>

Big thanks to Saq for inventing this helpfull tool.
Go to <https://saqimtiaz.github.io/streams/> to learn how his original Plugin works.

*New feature: custom titles*
A new feature of this mod is, that custom titles ( traced by the absence of "/" ) are now displayed as headers in the stream.

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