As I said in another post, I'm aiming to base my "digital garden" like blog 
on tiddlywiki - inspired by this 
Before I turned to TW (because it gives a very cool base as it is already a 
notetaking tool, able to work on multiple platforms) I was trying to modify 
some existing Jekyll (a simple SSG) themes to fit my needs. One thing I 
liked was having the ability to display my "notes" and other kinds of posts 
as a graph/map , which this template does for example: (Scroll a bit 
https://digital-garden-jekyll-template.netlify.app/consistency - where the 
edges are links to specific sites.

As Tiddlywiki already has a powerful mapping tool in TiddlyMaps, the 
question that comes to my mind would be, if it would be possible to export 
special TiddlyMaps that I generate in TW into the site - like I said an 
"overview" map would be the most important usecase, but there could 
certainly be other ones! 

Thanks for any help!

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