Just thought about it. .. We will also need to make sure, that the 
"relink-plugin" can handle this new stuff

On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 9:12:08 PM UTC+1 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> I'm really liking the idea of piggybacking on the existing extended link 
> syntax -- better than the versions I suggested off the top of my head in my 
> original post. And thanks for the technical background.
> On not wanting to put arbitrary text between the [['s: this seems like 
> exactly the same issue that we have with filter operators/fields, so could 
> we use the same solution? Have a hard-coded string *?* or *type* or 
> something that serves as an unambiguous syntax, and then people can choose 
> to use that or not (this would also let them call a relationship, e.g., 
> *img*). If they use the implicit form and someone else later comes along 
> and overloads it to mean something else, then that's on them to go back and 
> add the full format to disambiguate it.
> Mark, for more on the use case, also see my post 
> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/C0CqNyKU1Jc/m/5sFLzH7XAQAJ> that 
> Diego mentioned in the OP.
> On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 7:41:42 AM UTC-6 PMario wrote:
>> On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 2:14:38 PM UTC+1 PMario wrote:
>> title: Jack 
>>> [? stepson[Joe]], [? daughter[Jill]] and [? wife[Jane]] 
>> Some technical background. At the moment TW builds the "backlink" 
>> information at "parsing time", when the parse-tree is created. Parsing the 
>> tiddler content is a very "heavy weight" function. .. It need quite some 
>> CPU cycles. ... That's why this info is cached and only recreated if a 
>> tiddler changes. 
>> If someone uses the eg: backlinks[] 
>> <https://tiddlywiki.com/#backlinks%20Operator> operator, the TW core has 
>> to touch every tiddler and parse it. Then it internally searches the 
>> parse-tree for a pattern like: 
>> "type": "link",
>> "attributes": {
>>   "to": {
>>       "type": "string", 
>>       "value": "Joe" 
>>   } 
>> }, 
>> and it stores some info in the indexer. ... Since we have to "run" all 
>> this code already, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to add additional 
>> info to the link structure. eg:
>> "type": "link",
>> "attributes": {
>>   "to": {
>>       "type": "string", 
>>       "value": "Joe" 
>>   },
>>   "relation": {
>>       "type": "string", 
>>       "value": "stepson" 
>>   } 
>> }, 
>> In a second step, this info can be "indexed" and we can create filter 
>> operators for it. 
>> -mario

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