Ok i see, good! Thanks, but.... i thought i solve it by tagging the
tiddlers with 'code' as 'script'
Now this line seems to ignore that..: <$list
What now??? Looks ok isnt it??


Op za 13 mrt. 2021 om 20:56 schreef si <matthewking...@gmail.com>:

> The reason for that error is that the tiddler that contains your code is
> trying to transclude itself. But then this transcluded tiddler contains the
> same code, so it tries to transclude itself again and again. It's like if
> you hold a mirror up in front of another mirror - you will see an image
> that seems to contain itself infinitely: see images
> <https://www.google.com/search?q=recursive+mirror&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwid6bjuhK7vAhVG0OAKHfduCuEQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=recursive+mirror&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECAAQQzICCAA6BQgAELEDOggIABCxAxCDAToHCAAQsQMQQzoGCAAQBRAeOgQIABAYUIaEDFj-lwxg3pgMaAFwAHgAgAGNAYgB3AuSAQQxMi41mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=GhdNYJ30Nsaggwf33amIDg&bih=588&biw=1280&client=firefox-b-d>
> Anyway you can avoid this by making sure to exclude the current tiddler
> from your filter: !is[current]
> On Saturday, 13 March 2021 at 18:58:31 UTC rayv...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Yes it looks like tidders that contain scripts for TW get "evualated" but
>> maybe i see things wrong.
>> TW5 is very hard to learn for me...
>> Now this one says Recursive transclusion error:  <$list
>> filter="[sameday:created[20210312]][sameday:modified[20210312]!is[system]![12
>> Mar]]">
>> Why is THIS wrong??
>> Will i ever learn?? :-)
>> Ray
>> Op za 13 mrt. 2021 om 19:52 schreef si <matthew...@gmail.com>:
>>> >>> But now i run into other list filters in tiddlers created today that
>>> get executed so to say.
>>> I may be misunderstanding you - are you saying that some of the tiddlers
>>> that get transcluded by your widget themselves have list filters, and you
>>> would like to display the plain text rather than actually execute the
>>> widget?
>>> I'm not 100% sure but I think you can display the plain text by
>>> replacing {{!!text}} with <$text text={{!!text}}/>
>>> On Saturday, 13 March 2021 at 16:47:50 UTC rayv...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Yes i noted, thanks!
>>>> But now i run into other list filters in tiddlers created today that
>>>> get executed so to say.
>>>> How can i prevent that?
>>>> Create for those tiddlers separate SCRIPT fields or something?
>>>> Or can it be done simpler?
>>>> Ray
>>>> Op za 13 mrt. 2021 om 17:33 schreef si <matthew...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> I think its because your filter lists two separate runs, which returns
>>>>> tiddlers that match *any* of those two runs. You need just need to
>>>>> squeeze the whole expression into a single run:
>>>>> [sameday:created[20210313]!is[system]]
>>>>> See: https://tiddlywiki.com/#Introduction%20to%20filter%20notation
>>>>> On Saturday, 13 March 2021 at 14:49:31 UTC rayv...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> can anyone tell me why this filter returns also $:/HistoryList (which
>>>>>> is huge) even when !is[system] is included? It returns all my tiddles 
>>>>>> btw...
>>>>>> <$list filter="[sameday:created[20210313]][!is[system]]">
>>>>>> <h2><$link>''<<currentTiddler>> ''</$link></h2>
>>>>>> {{!!text}}
>>>>>> </$list>
>>>>>> Tx
>>>>>> Ray
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