
On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 10:06 PM History Buff <damon.pritch...@gmail.com>

> Mohammad,
> I noticed something today about the pagination with dynamic tables. It may
> be just my usage of it, but the count at the bottom is off.  When there's
> only one row, the bottom says "Displaying 1 through 2 of 2 Results"; when
> there are two rows, it says "Displaying 1 through 3 of 3 Results"; and when
> there are 6 rows, it says "Displaying 1 through 9 of 9 Results". Am I doing
> something wrong?
> Here's the code I used to instantiate it:
> <<table-dynamic filter:"[title<currentTiddler>kin:tags:to[]]" fields:"date
> operation from to mileage constructed_by recipient" pagination:"yes"
> sortOp:sortan caption:"''Operated Miles & Construction History''"
> footerRows:"1">>

Would you please check the below wikitext and tell me what is the result?
<$count filter="[title<currentTiddler>kin:tags:to[]]"/>

This is the filter you have used? The number of row is determined by this

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