
Sorry for not replying earlier. I have been very busy this month.

Thanks a lot for your solution! That's great!
I tested your tiddler to see how it would work and I can tell tell you I'm 
very happy with the result.
I haven't been through all the steps you suggest, but I'm sure they work 
perfectly. I need to finish the TOC beforehand, as long as I have access to 
the built-in tag picker. (Yes, I know I can get it back easily, but once 
the structure is done, I don't want to modify it unless it is really 

For the moment however, I have put that project on hold as it wasn't a 

Anyway, thanks again for your ready-made solution.



Le mardi 2 mars 2021 à 20:07:55 UTC+1, Javier Rojas a écrit :

> On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 05:48:10AM -0800, Misterel85 wrote:
> > So, here's what I would like:
> > 
> > 1. I create an activity tiddler.
> > 2. I create the corresponding generic source tag tiddler(s) if they 
> > don't already exist. Ex. a tiddler tag whose text field holds info about 
> a 
> > (hypothetical) 'dramatis.com' website would be called 'dramatis' and 
> tagged 
> > 'Source'.
> > 3. For every time I add a source tag to the activity tiddler, TW checks 
> > whether a corresponding source detail field exists in that current 
> activity 
> > tiddler.
> > 4. If not, it retrieves the name of the tag and creates a new field 
> > named after that tag. In the example above, a corresponding field named 
> > 'dramatis_detail' or simply 'dramatis' would be added in the current 
> > activity tiddler.
> > 5. If I delete a source tag (ex. the 'dramatis' tag), the corresponding 
> > 'dramatis' field would also be deleted. (That step may not be necessary 
> if 
> > step 3 is implemented.)
> The following tiddler + setup should:
> * add a "Sources" field which will show up whenever you edit a
> tiddler, where you will be able to search/select tags, just like the
> regular tag interface; it should show up at the bottom of a tiddler
> when editing it.
> * When selecting a tag *there*, it will be added to the current
> tiddler, AND, a new field called "<tag> detail" will be added, if
> the tag itself is tagged with the "source" tag.
> NOTE: it will only work with tiddlywiki 5.1.23 (latest release as of
> today), since it depends on some new features of the "tag-picker"
> macro.
> To add it to your tiddlywiki, create a new tiddler, as follows:
> title: doesn't matter, name it as you wish
> tags: $:/tags/EditTemplate
> content: (omit the % START % / % END % markers below)
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% START 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \define acts()
> <$list filter="[<tag>tag[source]]">
> <$action-setfield $tiddler="$(currentTiddler)$" $value="FILLME" $field={{{ 
> [<tag>addsuffix[ details]] }}} />
> </$list>
> \end
> Sources: <$macrocall $name="tag-picker" actions=<<acts>> />
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> If the above provides what you need, you should then consider using that
> code to replace the original tags widget in the edit tiddler interface. To 
> do
> that, I would:
> * save and backup my wiki ;)
> * copy-paste the original tiddler (its title is
> $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags ), into this new tiddler you created.
> * integrate the "acts" macro, and the changes to the "tag-picker"
> macrocall that I suggested above, to the copy-pasted tiddler content.
> * put the tiddler in the proper place in the edit interface: Click on
> the tag-pill for the $:/tags/EditTemplate of the new tiddler, and
> drag-and-drop the new tiddler's title to the desired position
> * Edit the $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags tiddler, to remove the
> $:/tags/EditTemplate tag from it, so it doesn't show up in the edit
> interface anymore.
> * Enjoy the new setup!
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Javier

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