Mark, thanks for mentioning that related plugin. As far as I could tell on 
my first browse-through when it was first announced, uni-link changes how 
links display, but they still need to use [[hard markup|?]]. ("It allows 
users to assign an aliases field to tiddlers, that can be referenced with a 
slightly modified link syntax.") 

My use case, though, involves chunks of text pasted into the wiki from 
other sources, so I'm not wanting to go in and set up [[links-like-this|?]] 
all over the place. The freelinking is essential, and my hack is designed 
to cast a wider net for certain freelink-worthy terms.

Are you suggesting that uni-link would integrate with freelinks and help in 
this use-case? Crucial to my situation: I still want the actual variant 
strings within tiddlers to continue displaying *whatever it was* that the 
original author typed...

So far, it strikes me that uni-link is designed for roughly the contrary 
challenge to mine: a systematic single-author wiki where author wants to 
use a concise markup to streamlines the cumbersome old [[workarounds for 
plurals and such|workaround]], while also enabling retroactive global 
changes to how certain [[hardlinked variants|c]] display. (So, if I change 
my dog's nickname, all I do is update the caption field for the dog's 
tiddler... Standard links to the dog's official name [[Rex]] still look and 
function the same, but any uni-links via the caption [[Rex|c]] immediately 
all show the new nickname. Cool! But not what I need to do...)

Happy to hear if you think I'm misunderstanding...


On Monday, April 12, 2021 at 2:41:24 PM UTC-4 Mark S. wrote:

> Maybe uni-links <> would be 
> more useful, rather than having to apply multiple hacks?
> On Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 4:34:13 PM UTC-7 springer wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Freelinks are especially great when text gets dumped into a wiki from 
>> multiple sources (such as students in a class, or excepts from texts), and 
>> where the main author/curator of the wiki can't or shouldn't modify the 
>> text generated by other authors. 
>> Currently,  out of caution around potential performance-drag, I have 
>> freelinks picking up titles for only a select set of tiddlers: those tagged 
>> with *keyword *... and now also for *keyword-alias*. (In 5.1.24 
>> prerelease: Filter defining tiddlers to which freelinks are made: 
>> "[tag[keyword]] [tag[keyword-alias]]")
>> I continue to hope that freelinks will one day work seamlessly with an 
>> "aliases" or "title-variants" field... It's hard to imagine any person who 
>> finds freelinks useful but who wouldn't benefit from getting title-variants 
>> recognized without fuss.
>> But for now, I'll share a very limited workaround, so that a freelink 
>> (virtual link) to *empiricism* (or at least, a functional equivalent) 
>> will display whenever tiddler text mentions empiric*ists* (for example).
>> I actually generate a tiddler called empiricists and then populate it 
>> with {{empiricism}}. I then set the caption field to empiricism, and add 
>> the tag *keyword-alias*.
>> Then, two tweaks to the system make it look almost seamless -- assuming 
>> you don't really need to *see* titles rather than this more semantically 
>> pointed (but not-necessarily-unique) caption field. 
>> (1a) Modify *$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title*
>> *<$view field="title"/>* can be replaced with 
>> *<$transclude field="caption">{{!!title}}</$transclude>*
>> (1b) Do the same for *$:/core/macros/timeline* (if the Recents sidebar 
>> tab is front-and-center, as with a blog). ...  and also modify timeline 
>> macro to reflect something like:
>> *\define timeline(limit:"100",format:"DDth MMM 
>> YYYY",subfilter:"!tag[keyword-alias]",dateField:"modified")*
>> (2) In my case, an additional ViewTemplate footer template (a dynamic 
>> table showing rows for each tag-child of the keyword specified in tiddler's 
>> title, displaying exactly on tiddlers which serve as tags), and this also 
>> needs to be added in to better mimic the original tiddler. So my content 
>> for the keyword-alias tiddler empiricists is actually:
>> {{empiricism}}
>> {{empricism||keyword}}
>> As you can imagine, this is clunky, given that title-variants of X can't 
>> be specified in the very process of creating tiddler X, and I need to clone 
>> the above solution for each additional variant, such as empiricist 
>> (singular) and so on. However the actual "weight" of each tiddler alias is 
>> minimal, so effort is the main constraint. 
>> Still, it's finally possible to ensure that if a student posts about 
>> *empiricists*, we'll all see a link that effectively invites us to visit 
>> the keyword *empiricism*. 
>> Unless, of course, they misspell that keyword entirely. : |
>> Note, of course, this solution is better for a use-case like mine where 
>> those who follow these variant-links don't usually need to edit the 
>> original. Since my students don't generally edit the keywords directly, 
>> that's not yet a problem for me. 
>> Again, though: Any solution that requires a proliferation of tiddlers (as 
>> well as messing with the timeline macro, etc.) feels less than 
>> ideal. Freelinks will be better when a field directly in the "beacon" 
>> tiddler lists all the title-variant strings that ought to point there. 
>> Fingers crossed!
>> Cheers, and wishing you all a season of resilience...
>> -Springer

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