@Springer Thanks for your reply.

>>> The lovely thing is that you can filter on a tag (or any other filter 
condition), to see a column for each of the fields you care about for that 
tag (or filter condition), with a row for each tiddler that fits the 
condition (and the ability to "clone" new rows into existence).

How do you tell TiddlyWiki which fields to associate with each 
reference-type? So for example you were to add a tiddler with the tag 
"Book", you would want your table to give you the option to add fields like 
"author", "title" etc. If you had a tiddler tagged "Movie" you might want 
"director", "year" etc. My question is about the best way to associate a 
particular type of source with the particular fields that it requires.
On Wednesday, 14 April 2021 at 21:10:07 UTC+1 springer wrote:

> Si, I highly recommend checking out all the RefNotes resources (active 
> here recently, contributed by Mohammad). 
> My own approach is to use a DYNAMIC TABLE (Mohammad's Shiraz) for each 
> reference-type. The lovely thing is that you can filter on a tag (or any 
> other filter condition), to see a column for each of the fields you care 
> about for that tag (or filter condition), with a row for each tiddler that 
> fits the condition (and the ability to "clone" new rows into existence). 
> Then you don't have a separate challenge of generating forms. Unless you 
> really want to. ;)
> -Springer
> On Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 3:03:02 PM UTC-4 si wrote:
>> I use TiddlyWiki to manage sources (books, movies etc), and I want to 
>> create an easy way to add tiddlers for individual sources.
>> I have decided to add tiddlers that represent a "source-type", and then 
>> use it to generate a form that allows me to enter metadata for a new 
>> source. For example I might have a source type "Book", which is used to 
>> generate a form like this:
>> Title: ...
>> Author: ...
>> Year: ...
>> While "Movie" might have a form like this:
>> Title: ...
>> Director: ...
>> Producer: ...
>> Obviously I need to associate the required metadata-fields with their 
>> source-type. I can think of two ways to do this:
>>    - Add a field to each tiddler type called "required-fields" which 
>>    lists the required metadata-fields.
>>    - Create separate tiddlers for each possible metadata-field, then tag 
>>    them with any source-type that requires them.
>> It's not obvious to me that there is any functional difference between 
>> these two options, but if I make a bad choice it will be difficult to 
>> change down the line. So my question is: *Is there a reason that one of 
>> these approaches is better than the other?*
>> Thanks in advance for you help.

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