Wow.  For all the buzz around the Digital Gardening/ Mind-Mapping space, 
this is so far and away beyond anything i have seen... An amazing gift to 
the commons, Soren; i just gotta give your system a try.

To that end, i have just one question: what would be the easiest way to 
filter out & delete all your content from the downloaded .html file, 
without losing any of the many useful functions that you have outlined & 
demoed so well?


On Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 4:15:49 AM UTC+1 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> For those who have been interested in my public Zettelkasten wiki 
> <> in the past (or might be 
> interested in it now), I've just put up an extensive discussion of 
> Zettelkasten and how I've implemented it in my TiddlyWiki on my YouTube 
> channel:
> Here are the segments if you're curious:
> *About Zettelkasten:*
> 0:00 Welcome and introduction
> 1:00 Public and private versions of my Zettelkasten
> 2:08 What is a Zettelkasten?
> 4:16 What idea tiddlers look like and how we navigate through them
> 6:28 Implementation evolves with the content
> *Organizing my Zettelkasten and relating ideas:*
> 7:06 Why I use CamelCase names
> 8:12 Expressing relationships by linking
> 9:40 Expressing memberships by tagging
> 10:07 Tags serve in many roles – topics/indexes, publicity level, lists, 
> types, pseudo-types, and maintenance
> 15:42 Index tiddlers provide overviews of a topic area
> 17:33 Transclusion can combine with the ‘description’ field to create 
> overviews
> 18:42 Why I don’t use tags for all overviews
> 19:28 Stretchtext creates interactive, expandable overviews
> 20:42 Subtiddlers aggregate tightly coupled content
> 23:58 Bibliographies aggregate related sources
> 25:38 The Write tab highlights fruitful areas for further work (stubs, 
> missing, needing attention, needing excision, to-dos, open questions)
> 29:58 The Reference Explorer shows related tiddlers (backlinks and forward 
> links) in a concise table
> 34:48 Graph theory and Zettelkästen; link graph
> 37:11 Types of tiddlers; why I include non-idea tiddlers, unlike classic 
> Zettelkasten
> *Plugins and custom TiddlyWiki logic:*
> 41:04 Interesting TiddlyWiki plugins I use
> 47:17 Publishing only part of a TiddlyWiki (public/private switch): 
> Marking tiddlers
> 49:05 Public/private: The PrivateChunk
> 51:28 Public/private: The build process (shell script)
> 54:18 Custom copy-title and permalink buttons
> 55:38 GIS (mapping) support for places
> 57:55 The missing-tiddler helper
> 58:36 Quick reading-list import by pasting a URL
> 59:30 Reading inbox
> 1:00:15 Simple Analytics and raw markup snippets
> 1:01:05 Sorting tags by color and putting them in columns
> *Philosophy:*
> 1:03:01 Just get started and then continuously improve
> 1:05:20 The Three-Links Heuristic for determining whether ideas are 
> effectively linked together
> 1:07:02 A Zettelkasten never walks backwards: consistency doesn’t matter 
> that much
> 1:08:56 Why I default to open and publish my Zettelkasten
> 1:11:25 Polyspecialize your Zettelkasten, include variety
> 1:13:34 Prioritize; you won’t have time to write about everything
> 1:14:55 Using the flexibility and user-programmability of TiddlyWiki to 
> your advantage

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