Hey @Anjar -that's cool!  Could be the makings of a viable solution.

Question: Create-date is both immutable, even if the tiddler name is 
modified, and guaranteed unique -is that right?

If so, then this would satisfy the conditions of a UID -and then i can 
still change the tiddler's Title (which can and should occur for all sorts 
of good reasons that i can explain if need be).

Would be nice to make generation of such URL a button-push kinda thing, 
instead of having to "hack" it (simple as the syntax is, it's a bit of 
friction i'd like to avoid if possible).

Thanks, Anders!


On Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 2:03:07 PM UTC+1 Anjar wrote:

> Hi,
> I agree with you and see the problem. One simple solution is just sharing 
> links like https://tiddlywiki.com/#:[created[20140904085700000]]
> Best,
> Anders
> onsdag 5. mai 2021 kl. 14:15:43 UTC+2 skrev ludwa6:
>> OK @Tones & @TT: if neither of you guys sees this as problematic, then 
>> i'd better explain myself better.  Here's a meta-example i've just 
>> documented:
>>    1.  Create a tiddler on this topic, and give it a permalink: 
>>    https://meta.tiddlyhost.com/#AvoidingLinkRot.  Share link with 
>>    friends, to engage their support in taming this dragon!
>>    2.  Recall that "Link Rot" is a well-known problem, which Wikipedia 
>>    might know about- and indeed: see 
>>    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_rot
>>    3. Realise that- in keeping w/ principle of AtomicGranularity- i 
>>    should probably limit this tiddler to describing the problem (including 
>>    link to that Wikipedia article and maybe just my review of that material) 
>>    and rename it after that article: "ProblemOfLinkRot"
>>    4. Work away on that renamed tiddler, adding my detailed analysis of 
>>    the article, and the problem.  
>>    5. Puzzled after a time as to why nobody is commenting on my work, 
>>    check the link -and find out that it's broken. (yeesh! and nobody told 
>> me? 
>>    did they even click the link i shared?)
>> i've run through this loop enough times, it's already getting old.  Could 
>> it be that it's just me, i wonder?
>> /walt
>> On Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 10:51:28 AM UTC+1 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>>> Ciao walt,
>>> Right. Tiddler PERMALINK-ability posted as URLs elsewhere is intimately 
>>> tied to NOT changing Titles.
>>> Personally I can't get in a hot sweat over that. That is no different 
>>> than any other web page.
>>> SURE you could get into REDIRECTS on a server or up the complexity 
>>> within  TW of self-REDIRECTS I guess?
>>> I don't really see the point though :-). 
>>> Best wishes
>>> TT
>>> On Wednesday, 5 May 2021 at 10:34:24 UTC+2 ludwa6 wrote:
>>>> The more i use TW, the more concerned i become about maintaining data 
>>>> integrity -and so this issue has boiled to the top of my queue: how can i 
>>>> continue to enjoy the benefits of TW (+ Relink plugin) flexibility, 
>>>> without 
>>>> compromising the integrity of Permalinks?  
>>>> This feels like a deep problem that goes right to core TW architecture- 
>>>> since, as PMario explained in last thread 
>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/kTrAbuneCkA/m/lAsdkriFAgAJ>, 
>>>> tiddler immutability is tied to its Title (so how can Relink even work, i 
>>>> wonder?)- but if i've learned anything here, it is to not underestimate 
>>>> the 
>>>> creative problem-solving ability of this group :-)... SO:
>>>> From a non-technical perspective, what i'd like to do is have some 
>>>> immutable UID (based on date-time, or maybe date+ a serial number, like 
>>>> yyyy-mm-dd-serialnum) that is used for Permalinks (i.e. shared w/ the 
>>>> outside web that is not Relink-aware), but still have Title field and 
>>>> Relink plugin (and everything else for that matter) work just as it does 
>>>> now, from the TW editor's perspective.
>>>> Is this a reasonable feature design goal, i wonder?  If so, i'd like to 
>>>> do what i can to help make it happen!
>>>> /walt

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