Ad the two latest post; these solutions are very close to the alternative 
permalink button suggested here: 
creating a permalink field with sluggified title + timestamp (always unique 
within a wiki), and keeping old versions so that links will continue to work

tirsdag 11. mai 2021 kl. 05:15:34 UTC+2 skrev

> The beauty of your link is that it is obvious what the link is for.  That 
> really is a great thing.  Which I know I would eventually break because I 
> am always slightly tweaking everything towards titles/names/descriptions 
> that better fit changing scope/circumstances/you-name-it.
> With a wee number, I'll never monkey around with it..  Which is the safety 
> net I'm looking for: something stable that I know I will never tweak, 
> tweaking being my nature when it comes to text.  I'm just as likely to 
> change a description (scope of tiddler may have changed), or improved the 
> wording or something.
> I'm pretty stuck in a method similar to the Oracle Sequence Numbers I'm 
> familiar with.  I've always been more comfortable with identifiers never 
> based on real-world values.
> On Monday, May 10, 2021 at 11:17:22 PM UTC-3 TW Tones wrote:
>> Try this; 
>>[description[Browser extension for Firefox]]
>> If you could rename and save this tiddler, it will still work until you 
>> modify the description or clone the tiddler.
>> Eureka!
>> I think I have finally come up with a simple, total, robust solution to 
>> permalinks, serial number, UID and GUID's not to put it in words and a 
>> plugin. 
>> I can write the specification if anyone wants to help, otherwise it will 
>> take a little longer
>> Regards
>> Tones
>> On Monday, 10 May 2021 at 03:07:28 UTC+10 wrote:
>>> Pff, no worries.  It is very easy to call things by various "names", and 
>>> for the "intent" of words to match exactly all of one's thoughts related to 
>>> the words, while meaning something entirely different to somebody else.
>>> So context gets jumbled easily.
>>> Imagine you place in all sorts of places all over the web a URL to a 
>>> specific tiddler in one TiddlyWiki instance.
>>> So many things can happen to break all of those links.  You might move 
>>> the TiddlyWiki to a completely different host.  You might actually rename 
>>> the TiddlyWiki itself.
>>> So all kinds of worse problems than having the same URL suddenly pop 
>>> open a few different unrelated tiddlers along with the intended one.  That 
>>> is barely a blip in the scheme of things.
>>> Easy enough to have some Tiddler in each TiddlyWiki that let's you know 
>>> when you've imported some Tiddler that now has you with duplicate UID's.  
>>> At which point, go to the imported tiddler and delete its UID, giving it a 
>>> new one only if you really need to.
>>> If your workflow has you importing tiddlers incessantly between your 
>>> TiddlyWikis, then you need to include in your workflow something that helps 
>>> you with weeding your garden.
>>> Or prepare to have a more complicated system for uniquely identifying 
>>> your tiddlers and having longer and more complicated URL's.
>>> I'm pretty sure somebody will come up with something much more perfect 
>>> than what I've come up with, but there will be costs / trade-offs.
>>> Only you know what kind of trade-offs you can live with.  (You won't 
>>> know the trade-offs without trying the various possibilities.)
>>> For me, this UID-permalink thing (or whatever I finally call it), is the 
>>> good enough lean/mean/simple/robust/no-break-anything-else solution for 
>>> me.  To each his/her own.
>>> On Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 1:48:33 PM UTC-3 ludwa6 wrote:
>>>> Sorry Charlie for my sloppy wording: by "named-alike," what i meant was 
>>>> two tiddlers having the same UID-permalink.  As for titles, i am very 
>>>> comfortable with the conflict avoidance measures built into the TW5 import 
>>>> process.
>>>> In any case, i am reassured by your answer(s- this last and the one 
>>>> above) that the risk involved in starting to use this thing -and then only 
>>>> for its intended purpose, as you say- is quite small.  The biggest risk i 
>>>> see is the sort of confusion that might arise if i send somebody a link to 
>>>> something, and what they get instead is a page with an extra tiddler (or 
>>>> few -see below) that would tend to throw into question the relevance of 
>>>> that link that the web user trusted enough to follow -especially if the 
>>>> unintended tiddler(s) appear larger and/or louder, maybe higher on the 
>>>> page 
>>>> (? something i'll only learn thru experience; am comfortable w/ that).
>>>> Still: i do suspect that i'm gonna somehow wind up with multiple 
>>>> tiddlers having the same number in that UID field, and that before very 
>>>> long i will wind up publishing some one(s) of those.  I say this because 
>>>> of 
>>>> two fundamental dynamics in my workflow:
>>>>    1. I've got a TiddlyDesktop full of different TW instances that are 
>>>>    cross-pollinating tiddlers with such careless abandon as to cause me 
>>>> some 
>>>>    concern; and
>>>>    2. I'm a huge believer in DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), so once i've 
>>>>    written something somewhere that i want to share, i would much rather 
>>>> share 
>>>>    a link to it than write it again.
>>>> Can't say as (2) is much of a problem yet, because to this point i've 
>>>> got just a few small TW instances online -all of them tests, essentially, 
>>>> as i am still figuring out the best way to do this- but i do expect to be 
>>>> publishing & sharing real content in the very near future, at an 
>>>> ever-increasing rate of flow.  For all that, i think it safe to say: we'll 
>>>> cross that bridge when we come to it.
>>>> On Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 5:02:33 PM UTC+1 wrote:
>>>>> G'day Walt,
>>>>> I did not clue into your statement:  "So, i have to ask: in case of 
>>>>> UID conflict: is what would happen indeed as innocuous a condition as 
>>>>> what 
>>>>> you describe, i.e.: the two named-alike tiddlers would both display to 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> WWW browser who comes in on that link?  No other problem you can forsee 
>>>>> arising out of that?"
>>>>> "Named-alike" tiddlers.  As in tiddlers with same title.  When 
>>>>> dragging "Tiddler A" from one TiddlyWiki to another, you really have to 
>>>>> pay 
>>>>> attention to the messages in the import mechanism.  It says when you are 
>>>>> about to overwrite an existing tiddler.
>>>>> What you talk about here is not a problem UID-permalinks solve.  That 
>>>>> is a much greater problem than the simple thing solved by UID-permalinks. 
>>>>> To reiterate:  UID-permalink only keeps URL's to a specific tiddler from 
>>>>> totally breaking when tiddlers get renamed.
>>>>> Use UID-permalinks to keep URL's from breaking.  This other problem 
>>>>> (uniqueness of tiddlers to prevent destruction of tiddlers upon import of 
>>>>> tiddlers from some other TiddlyWiki) is more inline, I think, with what 
>>>>> @PMario is looking into, which I personally think will involve a mess, 
>>>>> attempting to give every tiddler a cross-TiddlyWiki unique ID akin to IP 
>>>>> addresses or hardware-MAC-addresses 
>>>>> <>.  Very bleurk and very 
>>>>> uninteresting to me.
>>>>> Other than something akin to IP/MAC addresses, you could make it such 
>>>>> that any TiddlyWiki can only be created from one centralized spot which 
>>>>> guarantees assigning every TiddlyWiki in existence a unique TiddlyWiki ID 
>>>>> then gets attached to every Tiddler in that TiddlyWiki.  Infinity-bleurk.
>>>>> On Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 11:26:13 AM UTC-3 ludwa6 wrote:
>>>>>> I understand, Charlie, how you are only trying to solve the problem 
>>>>>> w/in scope of a single wiki -and if that were a truly closed system, 
>>>>>> then 
>>>>>> indeed your solution solves the problem, if i'm understanding it 
>>>>>> correctly. 
>>>>>> However: i do see how easily tiddlers with the same ID could wind up 
>>>>>> in the same wiki in my case, where i've got a mitt-full of different 
>>>>>> editions that i am drag&dropping tiddlers across without due care, i 
>>>>>> suppose (mainly owing to that phenomenon Dave Gifford has described so 
>>>>>> well 
>>>>>> in his take on the "What is #TiddlyWiki" 
>>>>>> <> 
>>>>>> question.  See: it's Silly-Putty, as i said :-).
>>>>>> So, i have to ask: in case of UID conflict: is what would happen 
>>>>>> indeed as innocuous a condition as what you describe, i.e.: the two 
>>>>>> named-alike tiddlers would both display to the WWW browser who comes in 
>>>>>> on 
>>>>>> that link?  No other problem you can forsee arising out of that?
>>>>>> I do still think that the create date/time is sufficiently granular 
>>>>>> as to make the risk of similarly-coded tiddlers as near-zero as you 
>>>>>> could 
>>>>>> want, especially if combined with and/or hashed by some other factor.  I 
>>>>>> gather that this doesn't work for those pesky "$:/" tiddlers -but that's 
>>>>>> fine, since we don't want it to (and there's no way such a thing could 
>>>>>> happen by accident, right?)
>>>>>> /walt
>>>>>> On Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 2:59:14 PM UTC+1 wrote:
>>>>>>> It will always be unique within one TiddlyWiki.  Same as "Sequence 
>>>>>>> numbers" in an Oracle Database.
>>>>>>> The UID isn't really a counter.  It gets the the largest value of 
>>>>>>> UID that exists among the tiddlers, then gives "this tiddler" the 
>>>>>>> greatest 
>>>>>>> value + 1.
>>>>>>> So not a counter in the sense of a stored value in some field.  
>>>>>>> Maybe, for performance, I'll have to set things up that way someday, 
>>>>>>> but 
>>>>>>> not for now.
>>>>>>> That said, this is only about unique and stable permalinks for 
>>>>>>> Tiddlers in a TiddlyWiki, not about unique identification of tiddlers.
>>>>>>> If you wanted to, you could create a bunch of tiddlers, and 
>>>>>>> copy-paste the UID's among a bunch of them so that a UID permalink 
>>>>>>> actually 
>>>>>>> opens a group of related tiddlers, if that's something someone wanted.
>>>>>>> To reiterate:  The UID's are not about unique identifiers for 
>>>>>>> tiddlers.  That's a different problem, but one that I don't think needs 
>>>>>>> solving.  Well, until it ever bites me in the caboose.  It hasn't yet, 
>>>>>>> but 
>>>>>>> my caboose is polished and ready for the bite at any time.
>>>>>>> That aside ...
>>>>>>> Say we both have TiddlyWiki's that use this UID thing I've developed.
>>>>>>> And say I import one of your tiddlers into my TiddlyWiki, and I now 
>>>>>>> have two tiddlers that have UID values of 55.  One of mine, and the one 
>>>>>>> I 
>>>>>>> imported from your TiddlyWiki.
>>>>>>> Who cares?
>>>>>>> Every URL link out in the wild that references my TiddlyWiki with 
>>>>>>> UID 55 will now open with my tiddler and your tiddler.
>>>>>>> However, my original intent for the UID permalink is not borked.  We 
>>>>>>> can still easily get to my tiddler.
>>>>>>> If your tiddler (UID=55) gets to be a real pain, then I'll strip the 
>>>>>>> UID off of your tiddler that is in my TiddlyWiki.
>>>>>>> Anyway, all of that said, this UID-permalink thing does what it is 
>>>>>>> supposed to do in the problem scope I'm thinking, but is in no means 
>>>>>>> meant 
>>>>>>> to solve the problem scope of unique identifiers for all the tiddlers 
>>>>>>> in 
>>>>>>> the world.  That is not a problem I am interested in at all.
>>>>>>> On Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 10:43:06 AM UTC-3 PMario wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi, 
>>>>>>>> TLDR; I think a "counter" used as UID will fail in the short run!
>>>>>>>> I did my post my concerns at github. 
>>>>>>>> -mario

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