Thanks for your fast answer, Eric. I think I've understood. I'll try and 
test tomorrow (middle of night here), and report.

Le samedi 15 mai 2021 à 22:53:53 UTC+2, Eric Shulman a écrit :

> On Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 12:31:44 PM UTC-7 wrote:
>> I'm adopting Eric's TiddlyTools/Time/Calendar. Thanks to him.
>> I have a problem when conflicting colors happen for a same day. How to 
>> force priority on the color I'd want ?
>> *An instance :*
>>    - I have a timeline for team members absences, coded "OldLace". Fred 
>>    is not available Monday and Tuesday next.
>>    - I decide to settle a meeting, even without Fred that monday. Team 
>>    meeting are "LightGreen" coded events.
>>    - When I publish the calendar, I want Monday color to be LightGreen 
>>    for everybody, but it remains OldLace.
>> When there are multiple events for a given date, they are *sorted by the 
> title of the EventList or Timeline* that defines them and the *date color 
> is determined by the first event* in the resulting list.
> Here's the code from the showDay() macro that does the work:
> <$wikify name="colors"       text="<$list filter=<<todays_events>>>{{{ 
> [<currentTiddler>split[;]nth[1]get[eventcolor]] }}} </$list>">
> <$set    name="eventsbg"  
> filter="[enlist<colors>first[]addprefix[background:]addsuffix[;]else<eventsbg>]">
> If you have a Timeline named "Absences" (using the OldLace color) and an 
> EventList named "Meetings" (using the LightGreen color), then the OldLace 
> color will be applied, since "Absences" comes before "Meetings", 
> alphabetically.
> The only way to influence the color that is used is to rename the Timeline 
> or the EventList so that the event color that you want to have priority 
> occurs first in the sorted list of events.  For example, you could rename 
> "Meetings" to "1Meetings" so it comes before "Absences", or rename 
> "Absences" to "ZAbsences" so it comes after "Meetings".
> However, renaming a Timeline can be quite a nuisance, because the name of 
> the Timeline is also used to tag each individual tiddler that belongs to 
> that Timeline.  Thus, you would have to change not only the name of the 
> "Absences" Timeline tiddler itself, but also update the corresponding 
> "Absences" tag on every individual tiddler belonging to that Timeline.
> Fortunately, renaming an EventList is much easier than renaming a 
> Timeline, since there is only one tiddler involved with no extra tagging 
> issues.  Note that even if you rename the "Meetings" EventList tiddler to 
> "1Meetings", you can also give that tiddler a caption of "Meetings", so 
> that the leading "1" won't appear in the Calendar interface.
> When I wrote this part of the Calendar, I had considered adding extra code 
> to address this issue by allowing explicit specification of the color 
> order, but all the implementations I could think of would have added 
> considerable complexity and processing overhead to the Calendar rendering 
> logic.
> I hope this explanation isn't too confusing.  Let me know how it goes...
> -e

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