Thanks Soren/Mike,

I got it to work exactly as you have explained :)

BTW congrats on Grok TiddlyWiki, i am already reading through it ,and find 
it extremely well written and easy to understand for beginners like mys self

Thanks again Soren and mike :)

On Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 1:11:02 AM UTC+2 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> So the reason sorting by the "priority" field doesn't work is because the 
> field literally contains the text "{{!!severity}}{{!!impact}}". Those 
> transclusions only get processed and turned into a series of 1's when the 
> field is *wikified*, which normally happens right before it's displayed 
> within the tiddler. If you access the priority field through a filter or 
> pass it as the value of an HTML/widget attribute, it will still just 
> contain the text. (More on wikification. 
> <>)
> That's probably not a great way to do it anyway, since you have to 
> manually put that text in every tiddler.
> The point of Mike's snippet wasn't the tag part (I don't think tags have 
> anything to do with your use case) – that was just a placeholder for 
> whatever filter steps you needed to select the relevant tiddlers. The 
> important part was the *sortsub* operator, which runs a filter expression 
> against each element to determine how to sort it. In your case, I think you 
> would want something to the effect of:
> \define sortformula() [{!!severity}add{!!impact}]
> <$list filter="[status[In House]] [status[With Vendor]] 
> +[!sortsub:integer<sortformula>]">
> <$link/> (priority <$text text={{{ [{!!severity}add{!!impact}] }}}/>)<br>
> </$list>
> (For this to work you need to switch to the actual numbers, rather than a 
> string of 1's. Also note that the filter you gave above for tiddlers with a 
> particular value in the status field is incorrect because it contains a 
> space after the word *status* – a space isn't allowed there.)
> The {{{}}} allow you to transclude the result of a filter expression 
> <> 
> that's how you "view the outcome of the mathematical operations".
> On Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 5:58:08 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>> Thanks Mike,
>> so basically i am trying to do is simulate a ticketing tool.. , and 
>> assign prioritys to tiddlers i am using as tasks ,  2 criteria(severity , 
>> impact) or more  that add up to a given priority/ranking , 
>> so tiddler A is called " archive data" 
>> field x is  "severity" and  has value 1111111
>> filed Y is  "impact"  and has value 111111111
>> Field z is "priority" and  has value {{!!severity}}{{!!impact}} --> 
>> translating to 1111111111111111 
>> tiddler b is called "restart server"
>> field x is  "severity" and  has value 11
>> filed Y is  "impact"  and has value 11111111111
>> Field z is "priority" and  has value {{!!severity}}{{!!impact}} --> 
>> translating to  1111111111111 
>> they also have another field "status" which can be either " In House " or 
>> " With Vendor" , so thats another 4th field that will hold any of these 2 
>> values .
>> then...
>> <$list filter= 
>> "[status[In House]][status[With Vendor]]+[sort[priority]]">
>> Now ,The reason i am using ones in the field values (ie 11111) is because 
>> , i understand you cant do math in fields .. which is another problem ..
>> but then my thinking was ,i run a filter on all tiddlers which has "In 
>> house " or "With Vendor " in the status field values  
>> [status [In House]][status[With Vendor]] 
>> then sort them using the priority field , and that should sort the 
>> tiddlers with the higher ranking at top, and thats when i realized the 
>> sorting doesn work , hence this post.
>> i have few questions
>> if i understood correctly you are saying this can be done using tags 
>> instead ? 
>> so can it be done using field instead (so instead of  [tag[sortbyfield], 
>> could it be [status [In House]?
>> also how can i view the outcome of the mathematical operations?
>> and finally , now that you know what i am after , is there a better way 
>> of doing all this ?
>> On Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 4:41:19 PM UTC+2 wrote:
>>> For instance, in your specific example you could use a filter like 
>>> [{!!x}multiply[10]add{!!y}] in the sortsub for your list of tiddlers 
>>> containing x and y ... you don't need a z field for this particular use.
>>> So if you had a bunch of tiddlers tagged with "sortbyfield" you can do:
>>> \define ssfilter() [{!!x}multiply[10]add{!!y}]
>>> <$list filter="[tag[sortbyfield]sortsub:integer<ssfilter>]"/>
>>> This works for your particular example that you provided because you can 
>>> do math in the filter. Not sure how easy it would be in the general sense.
>>> /Mike
>>> On Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 9:03:46 AM UTC-3 Michael Wiktowy wrote:
>>>> Not exactly what you want but if you can express your combination of 
>>>> field x and field y as a filter expression, you should be able to use 
>>>> sortsub.
>>>> /Mike
>>>> On Monday, May 17, 2021 at 10:45:20 PM UTC-3 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi ,
>>>>> is it possible to sort transcluded /referenced values?
>>>>> so i have tiddler 1 which has 3 fields ,field x , field y and field z 
>>>>> field x = 1
>>>>> field y = 2
>>>>> field z=  {{!!field x}}{{!! field y}}  --> which translates to "12"
>>>>> Now i have the same exact thing happening for 4 or 5 other tiddlers 
>>>>> with different values for field x and field y , and field z referencing 
>>>>> them
>>>>> now i am doing a list filter , that lists said tiddlers , and putting 
>>>>> a sort at the end ..
>>>>> so something like <$list filter=  criteria ..... and then towards the 
>>>>> end     [sort[ field z ]]">
>>>>>  The sort is working, i also used nsort with no luck , so is there 
>>>>> something i am doing wrong, or referenced values cannot be used as a 
>>>>> criteria for a sort ?
>>>>> Thanks in advance

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