On Mar 19, 2010, at 10:40 PM, twgrp wrote:

> The closest thing so far for a top-down approach in TW seems to be;
> http://twt-treeview-executive.tiddlyspot.com/
> It is top-down because you must define a structure before hand.

In that sense, I would say twt-treeview-executive -- which as I understand it 
is simply a "classier" version of twt-treeview, the Blackicity-themed version 
of which is what I use -- is definitely not top-down. I use it very effectively 
with taggly-tagging, so that the tree menu reflects the taggly tagging 
structure, and is every bit as capable of evolving over time as the latter.

In addition to allowing for structure to emerge out of note taking and making, 
one of the things I like about this version of TW is that it gives me multiple 
routes into my collection of tiddlers -- through the tree, through tags, 
through searches, through the sidebar timeline, and through the alphabetized 
listing in the sidebar.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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