On Monday, May 31, 2021 at 11:49:48 AM UTC+2 PMario wrote:

If you search for "toggle" at tiddlywiki.com you'll find: 

The examples already contain the "action-listops" ... 

\define toggle-urgent()
> <$action-listops $tiddler={{!!title}} $field="tags" 
> $subfilter="+[toggle[urgent]]" />
> \end

I did modify the $fields="tags" and 
changed the $subfilter="+[toggle[urgent]]" .. so it toggles between 1 value 

There's the action-listops docs 
<https://tiddlywiki.com/#ActionListopsWidget>. It has a lot of 
possibilities, but also a lot of examples to play with.

> <$button actions=<<toggle-urgent>> >

This is a relatively common usage of the button-widget 
<https://tiddlywiki.com/#ButtonWidget>. Using actions=<<macro-name>> will 
clean up the code, if you need to call more than 1 action. ... It is "best 

> <$list 
> filter="[all[current]tag[urgent]then[&#9733;]else[&#9734;]]"><<currentTiddler>></$list>

all[current] ... will return the currentTiddler variable. 
tag[urgent] ... tests if the "urgent" tag is set
then[&#9733;] ... will set the currentTiddler variable of the list-body to 
the "filled star" character
else[&#9734;] ... will set the currentTiddler variable of the list-body to 
the "empty star" character

<<currentTiddler>> ... will show the star, depending on tag - then / else 
... see: currentTiddler 

> </$button>
> You can call it with {{|| my-toggle-template}}

Uses the transcluded tiddler as a template. see more info here 


> If you want to hide the button use: <$button *class="tw-btn-invisible"* 
> actions=<<toggle-urgent>> > ... you will only get the star.

Just test it ;)

hope that helps

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