A tool I use a lot (sorry for the double post, I forgot to include this in 
my previous post and I feel like it's important) to avoid that is 
bonpatron.com, which is the best free grammatical french corrector I've 
found online. 

They also have a tool for English, spellcheckplus.com .

I find Grammarly a bit better but spellcheckplus is made by university 
language teachers so I'm kind of biased to trust their tool more. 

The best overall for french is antidote by druid but the pricing is 

Back to tiddlywiki: if you want to use the codemirror plugin to write your 
tiddlers, you may have seen that it prevents the browser to display syntax 
and orthographic errors. I've found several (suboptimal, admittedly) 
solutions :

* Create a custom preview mode, as explained here by Jeremy: 
* Use an addon. The best I've found for french on firefox yet is 
Grammalecte (open source & free): https://grammalecte.net/
* Add your own dictionary to TiddlyWiki by following this proof of concept: 
http://codemirror-spellcheck.tiddlyspot.com/ - I did not succeed but YMMV

If you know a better solution please let me know, I'm prone to errors 
myself and could use a little bit of help (I'm currently writing a french 
version of the angular doc so it's quite important to me)
Le jeudi 17 juin 2021 à 15:17:51 UTC+2, Télumire a écrit :

> Yes don't worry too much about it,  this is a very common mistakes even 
> for french speakers, it's so much common in fact that my teachers (I'm an 
> infographist) strongly recommend us to use "index" instead of "accueil" in 
> our websites because they have seen this error countless times in their 
> student's works, if this can help make you feel a bit better :)
> Le dimanche 13 juin 2021 à 04:44:02 UTC+2, cj.v...@gmail.com a écrit :
>> I am in "d*euil*" (mourning) over my misspelled "ac*c**ueil*".
>> One of the beauties of the French language:  the "euil" of deuil and the 
>> "cueil" of "accueil" have the same sound.
>> If I could time-travel to a certain period long ago, I'd be giving 
>> somebody at the Académie française a slap from the future.
>> On Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 7:56:39 PM UTC-3 Télumire wrote:
>>> Just a head up, I've spotted a typo : " Acc*eu*il" --> "Accueil"
>>> Great work on the UI btw !
>>> Le samedi 12 juin 2021 à 03:51:15 UTC+2, cj.v...@gmail.com a écrit :
>>>> G'day,
>>>> Just an FYI about my ever-evolving approach to presenting TiddlyWiki's, 
>>>> by default, in "reader view(?)", with alternative "normal TiddlyWiki view" 
>>>> available via toggling.
>>>>    - by "reader view" (internal debate on-going about that label), I 
>>>>    mean hiding much of what looks like TiddlyWiki interface features, 
>>>> without 
>>>>    getting into anything too fancy
>>>>    - for toggling, I went with no-fuss-no-muss open/close of the 
>>>>    sidebar as the toggle for showing/hiding TiddlyWiki interface features
>>>> To get the Full Monty experience of what I mean check out the before 
>>>> and after (still very much a work in progress) of my Le P'tit Aurèle:
>>>>    - my now deprecated version without "reader view" 
>>>>    <https://leptitaurele.neocities.org/LePtitAurele_PreviousVersion.html>
>>>>    - the new going-forward version with "reader view" at startup 
>>>>    <https://leptitaurele.neocities.org/>
>>>> I guess the mission is: how do I setup the kind of structure that makes 
>>>> for easy/simple navigation to a lot of content without getting lost, while 
>>>> still making it easy to access the full-features of TiddlyWiki for custom 
>>>> digging into the content?
>>>> Something like that.
>>>> Cheers !

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