I thought I'd give this a bump just in case there's anyone out there who 
missed it that can help me...

On Tuesday, 15 June 2021 at 16:28:36 UTC+1 Si wrote:

> I've been experimenting with using "typed" links in my wiki, inspired by this 
> post <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/C0CqNyKU1Jc/m/5sFLzH7XAQAJ> 
> from a few months back.
> For example if I want to link to a food item, but also indicate that it is 
> an ingredient, I write:
> {{tomatoes||ingredient}}
> Where I have the following "type" tiddler:
> title: ingredient
> tags: type
> text: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>><<currentTiddler>></$link>
> I'm wondering if there is anyway to generalise this so that I don't 
> actually have to add the template to the text field of every "type" tiddler 
> I create? Specifically I want to leave the text field free for other 
> content, and also be able to use *any* tiddler with the tag "type" in the 
> same way. So all I would have to do is add a tiddler with the title 
> "ingredient" and the tag "type" and immediately be able to use it as a link 
> template.
> Alternatively maybe there is a way to generate multiple *macros* in a 
> similar way? A tiddler with the title "ingredient" and the tag "type" would 
> trigger the implicit creation of an "ingredient" macro. 
> I can't see how this would be possible, but I'm wondering if there's a 
> trick I'm missing?

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