Best of luck with the covid-19, 

In Australia if you get a test because you were a close or casual contact 
with Covid you have to self isolate until you get the result (24-48 hours 
max). Ee would not be allowed (with some special exceptions) to go to work 
today. Be carful.

Today I proudly got my second Astra-Zeneca after apparently the ideal 12 
weeks and I hope to get a booster from an RNA vaccine in the next 6-12 

Then perhaps we can visit France again, and isolate at home on our return, 
if necessary.

It is a curse to say "may you live in interesting times".


On Wednesday, 11 August 2021 at 12:46:25 UTC+10 anarchoNerd wrote:

> That's awesome, thank you. I only have a very very basic understanding of 
> javascript and want to learn, so I'm going to try and understand this as I 
> implement it, so it may be a bit. I'll let you know once I get it up and 
> running. Unfortunately both my son and I were exposed to covid over the 
> weekend and we're waiting on test results, so I'm off work and have some 
> extra time. I'll start looking at it tonight and may have it figured out by 
> tomorrow. 
> On Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 5:52:41 PM UTC-7 Eric Shulman wrote:
>> On Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 4:22:31 PM UTC-7 anarchoNerd wrote:
>>> Here is an example of what my *Commands learned* header looks like 
>>> right now:
>> ...
>> I would like to automatically add each one to a separate tiddler (and 
>>> auto sort them if possible) so that all commands can be accessed in one 
>>> place, while also remaining in their original tiddler.
>> Try this:
>> 1) First, create a tiddler (e.g., "CommandListMacros") tagged with 
>> $:/tags/Macro, containing this macro definition:
>> \define addToList(tid)
>> <$vars lf="
>> ">
>> <$button class="tc-btn-invisible" style="text-align:left;" actions="""
>>    <$set name="lines" filter="[[$tid$]get[text]splitregexp[\n]]">
>>       <$action-setfield $tiddler="$tid$" text={{{ 
>> [enlist<lines>sort[]join<lf>] }}} />
>>    </$set>""">
>> !!$tid$:
>> <<commands>>
>> <$action-setfield $tiddler="$tid$" text={{{ 
>> [{$tid$!!text}addsuffix<lf>addsuffix<commands>] }}}/>
>> </$button>
>> </$vars>
>> \end
>> 2) Then, create a tiddler containing the following content:
>> \define commands()
>> * ''whoami'' - Prints current username.
>> * ''clear (ctrl l)'' - Clears terminal.
>> * ''adduser'' - *requires sudo* Adds new user.
>> * ''which'' - Prints directory which command binaries are being used 
>> from. 
>> \end
>> <<addToList "Commands Learned">>
>> Notes:
>> In the macro tiddler:
>> * The addToList() macro presents a $button that shows the title of the 
>> target tiddler as a heading, followed by the list of commands
>> * $vars lf="..." defines a literal newline character
>> * Note that the blank line before the "!!$tid$" is necessary so that the 
>> heading is rendered properly using "block mode"
>> * The primary $action-setfield appends the commands to the text of the 
>> target tiddler, separated from existing content by a newline
>> * After adding the commands to the target tiddler, the $button then 
>> invokes the actions="""...""" as a secondary action
>> * This secondary action reads the contents of the now updated target 
>> tiddler, splitting them into separate lines
>> * It then enlists and sorts those lines, joins them back together, and 
>> writes it back to the target tiddler
>> * Note that the enlist<lines> filter operator removes any duplicate 
>> lines, so it won't matter if you click the addToList button multiple times
>> In the content tiddler:
>> * First, define the list of commands as a local macro named "commands"
>> * Then, invoke the <<addToList>> macro to display that command list with 
>> the $button surrounding it
>> * When you click on the displayed command list (or the heading), the 
>> commands are added to the target tiddler and sorted into place.  Q.E.D.
>> Let me know how it goes...
>> enjoy,
>> -e

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