On Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 1:24:58 PM UTC-7 vpl wrote:

> I'm trying to run the following code (at the end of the message) which 
> uses a variable called 'target' (that contains the current date) into a 
> filter called todayfilter
> \define now_val()
> <$vars now_date=<<now YYYY-0MM-0DD>>>
> <$vars  target={{{ [<now_date>] }}}>
> <<target>>
> <$vars todayfilter="[get[task_date]compare:string:eg[<target>]]">

Replace the first four lines of the macro with these three lines:
<$vars target=<<now YYYY-0MM-0DD>>>
<$vars todayfilter="[<currentTiddler>get[task_date]match<target>]">

1) Assign the date to the target variable in one step.  There's no need for 
2) The filter needs <currentTiddler> preceding get[task_date], otherwise it 
will get the task_date value from *every* tiddler that has that field!
3) The compare "mode" should be "eq" (abbreviation of "equal") not "eg".
4) For a simple string comparison, you can use the "match" filter operator.

Let me know how it goes,


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