I'm getting thrown off by "days:last-contact{!!frequency}" or I'm not 
imagining the input tiddlers right, or both.

If you have the time to export tiddlers for this scenario, I can drop them 
into tiddlywiki.com, and figure it all out.

Or somebody else may know exactly what's going on based on the good stuff 
you've given us so far.

On Monday, September 13, 2021 at 3:23:46 PM UTC-3 0 0 wrote:

> Thanks, but still no luck (the syntax didn't matter either).
> Result looks something like this (I add some arbitrary linebreaks here to 
> make the logic clearer):
> Task1 *You have 1*
> Task2* You have 1*
> *You have 0*
> Task 4 *You have 1*
> Task 5 *You have 1*
> *You have 0*
> *You have 0*
> Task 8 *You have 1*
> Task 9 *You have 1*
> Task 10 *You have 1*
> maanantai 13. syyskuuta 2021 klo 20.58.04 UTC+3 cj.v...@gmail.com 
> kirjoitti:
>>  Hi, give this a spin:
>> <$list filter="[has[frequency]]">
>> *<$vars theCount={{{ [all[current]!days:last-contact{!!frequency}count[]] 
>> }}} >*
>>   <$list filter="[all[current]!days:last-contact{!!frequency}]">
>>     <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
>>   </$list>
>> *You have <$text text=<<theCount>>/>*
>> *</$vars>*
>> </$list>
>> Not being convinced I have my vars set right, this as an alternative:
>> *<$vars theCount={{{ [all[current]!days:last-contact{!!frequency}] 
>> +[count[]] }}} >*
>> On Monday, September 13, 2021 at 2:25:02 PM UTC-3 0 0 wrote:
>>> <$list filter="[has[frequency]]"> I have 10 recurring tasks
>>>   <$list filter="[all[current]!days:last-contact{!!frequency}]"> 7 
>>> tasks haven't been completed in {{!!frequency}} days. last-contact contains 
>>> the timestamp of latest completion.
>>>     <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
>>>   </$list>
>>> </$list> 
>>> As expected the output is 7 tiddler titles:
>>> Task1
>>> Task2
>>> Task4
>>> Task5
>>> Task8
>>> Task9
>>> Task10
>>> After this list I want:
>>> You have *[7]* tasks.
>>> ___________________
>>> <$vars theCount={{{ [all[current]!days:last-contact{!!frequency}count[]] 
>>> }}} > does not seem to work.
>>> "[all[current]..." contains only one title at a time which then either 
>>> passes the !days filter or not. Thus after count[], <<theCount>> variable 
>>> will contain a 1 or a 0.
>>> I'm afraid there is no solution at my level of competence :/
>>> maanantai 13. syyskuuta 2021 klo 18.36.56 UTC+3 cj.v...@gmail.com 
>>> kirjoitti:
>>>> This may seem silly, but a mock-up screenshot of expected output would 
>>>> be pretty awesome. Information with labels of what the information means.
>>>> My last sample I posted should have had the question "something like 
>>>> this?", because it definitely wasn't any kind of "this is the answer 
>>>> you're 
>>>> looking for.'
>>>> On Monday, September 13, 2021 at 12:20:15 PM UTC-3 Charlie Veniot wrote:
>>>>> Well, in the middle of doing something else, so not quite sure if I 
>>>>> have the right count in the highlighted filter.
>>>>> On Monday, September 13, 2021 at 12:18:45 PM UTC-3 Charlie Veniot 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> <$list filter="[has[frequency]]">
>>>>>> *<$vars theCount={{{ 
>>>>>> [all[current]!days:last-contact{!!frequency}count[]] }}} >*
>>>>>>   <$list filter="[all[current]!days:last-contact{!!frequency}]">
>>>>>>     <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
>>>>>>   </$list>
>>>>>> *</$vars>*
>>>>>> </$list>
>>>>>> On Monday, September 13, 2021 at 12:12:45 PM UTC-3 0 0 wrote:
>>>>>>> Thank you for your answer, I appreciate your help.
>>>>>>> However, your suggestion does not seem to affect the underlying 
>>>>>>> problem: I'm unable to get the number of tiddlers that pass the filter 
>>>>>>> of 
>>>>>>> second list.
>>>>>>> I'll try to elaborate what I meant in my original post.
>>>>>>> For example let's say the outer list alone would output 100 
>>>>>>> tiddlers. If I added count[] to this filter to get the number of 
>>>>>>> tiddlers 
>>>>>>> this outer list outputs I will see the number 100 instead of 100 
>>>>>>> individual 
>>>>>>> titles.
>>>>>>> Then the inner list filters out 30 tiddlers that do not satisfy the 
>>>>>>> additional condition. I see 70 tiddler titles that pass the outer AND 
>>>>>>> inner 
>>>>>>> filter, but I'm unable to count them (except by hand).
>>>>>>> Adding count[] to the inner list would just yield a mix of 30 zeroes 
>>>>>>> (0 0 0 0...for each time the currently evaluated tiddler does not pass 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> inner filter) and 70 ones (1 1 1 1...whenever it does).
>>>>>>> Now either I'd need some way to have a variable that would increase 
>>>>>>> each time a tiddler passes the inner filter, or I'd need to have it all 
>>>>>>> in 
>>>>>>> a single-level list (which with current setup doesn't work exactly for 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> reason Eric describes). Or there could be a completely different 
>>>>>>> approach 
>>>>>>> that I'm unable to see.
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> maanantai 13. syyskuuta 2021 klo 18.02.58 UTC+3 Eric Shulman 
>>>>>>> kirjoitti:
>>>>>>>> On Monday, September 13, 2021 at 6:51:14 AM UTC-7 cj.v...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Aside: we could merge the two <$list> filters together 
>>>>>>>> That wouldn't work in this case, as the inner filter uses 
>>>>>>>> `{!!frequency}`, which depends upon the outer filter to set the 
>>>>>>>> `currentTiddler` value to each tiddler that `has[frequency]`
>>>>>>>> If the two filters were merged, then `{!!frequency}` would refer to 
>>>>>>>> the tiddler that contains the `$list` widget, rather than each tiddler 
>>>>>>>> that 
>>>>>>>> `has[frequency]`
>>>>>>>> -e

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