Affected macros... diifcult to say. I don't use them directly, I use them 
via filters in my own macros. Here's a sample code of things I do:

<$list variable=campaign filter="[<dataset>indexes[]sortsub<by-name>]">
  <$log $$message="next campaign" $$filter=campaign/>
  <$set name=aim filter="[<campaign>subfilter<by-aim>]" select=0>
  <$set name=url filter="[<campaign>subfilter<by-url>]" select=0>
  <$set name=pages filter="[<campaign>addprefix[WEB_]addsuffix[-web]]">
  <$wikify name=start text="<<frenchDate dataset campaign start>>">
  <$wikify name=end text="<<frenchDate dataset campaign end>>">
  <$log $$message="start & end" $$filter="start end url"/>
  <$macrocall $name=_projectCampaignRow campaign=<<campaign>> aim=<<aim>> 
url=<<url>> start=<<start>> end=<<end>> pages=<<pages>>/>

I don't know what to look for.

Le mardi 5 octobre 2021 à 12:27:37 UTC+2, Jean-Pierre Rivière a écrit :

> Le vendredi 1 octobre 2021 à 22:57:18 UTC+2, a écrit :
>> > My main project is impacted. Some of my macros dealing with json 
>> tiddlers are broken. They use the two plugins //modloader// and //json 
>> mangler//. 
>> Thank you – any details here would be helpful. What versions of those 
>> plugins are you using? Which macros are affected? 
>  modloader 0.0.5
> json mangler 2.2.5
> > On the positive side, it seems that my tiddlers that were too large are 
>> now automatically corrected to fit in the current width of the main story. 
>> Excellent – do you mean that the tiddler content previously overflowed 
>> its background? Perhaps you could share a screenshot?
> Yes, an overflow. See picture.
> [image: overlay.png]
>> Best wishes 
>> Jeremy

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