Thanks a lot for sharing this ! sortsub is a difficult filter for me to 
understand, examples like yours are great.

On Monday, 3 January 2022 at 21:45:59 UTC+1 wrote:

> I found a useful lead from Eric Shulman using subsort
> Using this I can order in the filter directly.
> My filter looks like this
> <$list filter='[!is[system]!tag[Journal]sortsub:integer<sub>limit<limit>]'>
> And the macro sub looks like this
> \define sub() [backlinks[]count[]]
> Thought I would leave this for the next person.
> Jon
> On Friday, 31 December 2021 at 12:08:21 UTC Jon Light wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am interested in being able to get an overview of my wiki to identify 
>> tiddlers which seems to function as important "hubs" in my knowledge base - 
>> for instance if a tiddler has ten backlinks then it might be more important 
>> than one with say 2 backlinks - or perhaps I have neglected a tiddler 
>> because I have missed places which should ideally link to it. 
>> I use the "giffmex" bi-directional back link plugin so the required data 
>> is already in place.  
>> It's all speculative, I am just interested in seeing if tools can show 
>> relationships in my knowledge base which is 20MB which perhaps I cannot 
>> always appreciate.  
>> I do not regularly code in Tiddlywiki so I started off with existing code 
>> to hack..
>> My experimental tiddler code now looks like this....
>> <$list filter="[all[]]" variable="tiddler">
>> <$list filter="[<tiddler>backlinks[]count[]]" variable="count">
>> <$reveal type="lteq" state="$:/temp/Testing!!minimum" text=<<count>> > 
>> <$reveal type="gteq" state="$:/temp/Testing!!maximum" text=<<count>> > 
>> <<count>> <$link to=<<tiddler>> /><br />
>> </$reveal>
>> </$reveal>
>> </$list>
>> </$list>
>> It's a good start -  it displays a list of all my tiddlers with the 
>> number of backlinks for each tiddler displayed - the next step would be to 
>> order the list so that tiddlers with the most backlinks appear higher in 
>> the list.
>> I looked at the idea of adding a new field to each tiddler to hold the 
>> number of backlinks - if so then so far have not found out how to add a new 
>> field (if it does not already exist) and write the value 'count'. 
>> So far performance is not an issue. 
>> I am interested in any existing plugins or attempts to extract this kind 
>> of information from large wikis - no point re-inventing the wheel!
>> Thanks 
>> Jon

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