I am afraid once more I find myself out of my depth and hope you guy's and 
gals can help...

I have a Tiddler, on that tiddler I have a number of fields. The names of 
those fields are of the format another.tiddler.name where a tiddler exists 
called Another Tiddler Name. I am able to reformat another.tiddler.name 
into Another Tiddler Name through a macro that looks like this;

\define replaceFullStopAndCapitalize(text)
@@text-transform: capitalize;<$text text={{{ 
[[$text$]search-replace:gi[.],[ ]] }}} />@@

I am able to list the fields using a filter like this 
"[all[current]fields[]sort[title]] -text -created -modified -tags -title 
-tmap.id" with a variable which I can then pass to that macro.

What I need to do, is get the cost field from those other tiddlers and sum 
them up... I think it should be possible using the "Formular for 
TiddlyWiki" Plugin found 
here https://github.com/EvanBalster/TiddlyWikiFormula

The closest I have been able to get is this

<$list filter="[all[current]fields[]sort[title]] -text -created -modified 
-tags -title -tmap.id" variable="listItem">
<$transclude tiddler="<$macrocall $name="replaceFullStopAndCapitalize" 
text=<<listItem>>/>" field="cost"/>

Which renders as

<$transclude tiddler="Another Tiddler Name" field="cost"/>

and If I copy/paste that into a normal tiddler, it shows the right value.

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