You could use 'depends on'  this makes all the critiques except for
the next one 'future actions'.  Once you complete the next critique,
mark it complete, and one from the future actions will become your new
'next action'.

On Aug 4, 12:13 am, user4815162342 <> wrote:
> I've been using mGSD for a couple of weeks, and so far it's been going
> pretty well.
> I have what I think is a special use case, but I'm looking for ideas
> on how to make it easier for me, or to see how other people have
> solved it.
> Here's my scenario: I'm a member of a writing group, which requires
> its members to critique at least one story written by another member
> once a week. If you miss a week, that's okay, but you have to do two
> the next week to get caught up. If you miss two weeks, you have to do
> three to get caught up, etc. Well, I'm embarrassed to say that I'm now
> behind by more than ten weeks, and I'm trying to catch up.
> Now, for GTD, I've set up an action for each critique that I have to
> complete. I have a tickler set up to remind me every week to add
> another critique action. This means my 'Next Actions' is getting
> rather long, full of all of these critiques I have to do, which makes
> it difficult for me to see other actions (many of which have higher
> priority, which is one reason why I'm more than ten weeks behind).
> It's also getting harder for me to count how many I have left to do at
> a single glance.
> Although this is probably not a common use case for GTD, I'd like to
> know if anyone out there has come upon a situation like this, and how
> they have resolved it.
> I've thought about just putting a number in the name of the tiddler,
> or in it's notes, and then change that when I need to, but this would
> require more mouse clicks than just completing a task, so I'd be
> interested if someone has a better idea than that.

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