99% there, thank you!!  However, re-clicking a *nested* popup button
closes the *parent* popup panel.  I have a tiddler as follows which
popups a list of notes, some of which are tagged with a particular
"topic", others of which are unassociated with a topic.  The intended
display is first to list the topics, which are themselves popups to
the list of notes tagged to that topic, followed by a popup button for
the unassociated notes:

<<popup Notes [[<<tiddler ##Notes$))]]>>/%
<<matchTags {{"<<popup '%0' [[<<tiddler ##TopicNotes with:%0$))]]\>
\>"}} "" topic>>
<<popup "Unclassified notes" [[<<tiddler ##UnclassifiedNotes$))]]>>
<<matchTags '[[%0]]' '' note AND $1>>
   var topics = store.getMatchingTiddlers('topic');
   var tagfilter='note', out='';
   for(var t=0; t<topics.length; t++) { tagfilter += ' AND NOT ' +
topics[t].title; }
   var notes = store.getMatchingTiddlers(tagfilter);
   for(var t=0; t<notes.length; t++) { out += (t>0?'\n':'') + '*[[' +
notes[t].title + ']]'; }
   return out;

On Sep 30, 9:33 am, Tobias Beer <beertob...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Saverio...
> I have modded PopupMacro and uploaded it to a dedicated tiddlyspace
> [1]. This Mod by default  works when hovering over a popup button,
> instead of clicking.
> You can find a working example in my MainMenu [2].
> If you want it to work 'old fashion style' via click, you have to
> either set the macro parameter "nohover" or put something like this in
> a zzConfig tagged systemConfig:
> config.macros.popup.hover=false;
> Cheers, Tobias.
> [1]http://popup.tiddlyspace.com
> [2]http://tobibeer.tiddlyspace.com

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