Great. Glad that helped.
TiddlySpace uses a similar thing on the frontpage to hide controls for
non-members/non-logged in users.

Obviously if you disable styles in your browser the content reappears
but it is a good trick for hiding content for every day users.


On 8 Oct, 15:53, Robert Pollard <> wrote:
> Jon
> Thanks. That was simple, and does just what I need. I've updated the page 
> at
> Robert
> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:22 AM, rakugo <> wrote:
> > Rather than create a new theme just for this why not do
> > if(window.location.protocol =="file:") {
> >  jQuery("body").addClass("fileMode");
> > } else {
> > jQuery("body").addClass("onlineMode");
> > }
> > Now in your theme you can put specific rules for each theme.
> > e.g.
> > .onlineMode #sideBarTabs {
> >  display: none;
> > }
> > will hide the SideBarTabs for online users.
> > This would be much more flexible and easier than maintaining 2 themes.
> > Jon

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