Hi Skye...

As for the try catch [1], you would simply wrap your whole handler
with it. So, again, at the beginning of your onclick (or rather
onsubmit handler as Eric thoughtfully suggests) you would put...


Then the javascript that does things with tiddler contents and puts
them into form elements followed by...

//do something with the error, e.g.
//abort submission
return false;

As explained before, not doing that will otherwise make the form
submit, which is not helpful, especially when trying to debug this.
However, you should see the javascript errors in your firebug console.
On the other hand if that would not generate a javascript error, then
you would know that the error now likely is on the php end... which
should show in the response unless you have turned off error reporting
in your php configuration.

As for your php bits, you did not post the crucial parts. On the other
hand, from what I am seeing in what you've posted, you could
drasticaly simplify it by doing the following:

//get post params
foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $value){$$key=$value;}

This will automagically turn the values of all form elements into php
variables by the same name, thus performing something like this (in
the background)...

$name = ValueOfiIputCalledNameAsString;

I would not mind debugging your form. Just send me an email [2] with
both the tiddler and the php file. However, only working on one end
makes the process somewhat difficult.

Cheers, Tobias.

[1] http://w3schools.com/JS/js_try_catch.asp
[2] click on my profile here

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