Oh, I thought you were joking when you said: "Just created one... ;o)"
Thank you a lot, especially for fixing that one-tag-problem.

I'm using it on my video page now: 

Is there a way to hide buttons that won't yield a result? Or restrict
the whole navigation to a certain time-frame?
It's not so bad when I have things sorted by created, where it only
shows the last year, although with several empty months when I hadn't
started the site yet.
However when I reverse the sorting (-created) as I'd like to, for some
reason several years show up that are all empty (2005-2009).


On Oct 8, 12:54 pm, Tobias Beer <beertob...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kolya,
> I have added that missing functionality to hide the tags filter.
> So you can define tags by which to filter, yet not have to click any.
> Note that they are combined using OR logic... meaning the list will
> show all items tagged with any of said tags. To remove some, take any
> excludeTag you want and define it as such.
> By the way... I developped the macro the minute I read your post... so
> it's not like it existed before... and it only started with the date
> filter... but I figured there would be other filters people would want
> to be able to use.
> I also have renamed it to FiltrPlugin [1] to sound snappier and to
> avoid confusion with another plugin that sounded much similar
> beforehand ...and because I am working on exciting new stuff which
> will sound somewhat similar.
> Cheers, Tobias.
> [1]http://tobibeer.tiddlyspace.com/#Filtr

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