> # Does it mean that public tiddlers from the other space get included
> into your space?
One would think so ;o)

> # If I have a tiddler named foo in my space and the included space
> also has a tiddler by the same name, would the included foo tiddler
> override the original foo?
Tiddlers in your own space are always dominant over included ones.
However, if you have multiple inclusions and want the one from a
particular included space to be dominant over that of another, you
might want to delete and reinclude the one that you want to be
dominant... or (temporarily) include the inclusionsort space and then
rearange your inclusions via drag and drop.

With that respect, I think it were really great if spaces like
inclusionsort could be loaded on the fly and only for a current

> # What if I want to block a particular tiddler from the included
> space? Is that possible too?
So far and for as long as inclusion of individual tiddlers is not
implemented you can only create an empty version of it in your own
space and thus overwrite the one being included.

Cheers, Tobias.

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