hi, lovely people -

i'm quite new to the tiddlywiki community. i've already thanked jeremy
ruston, but would like to take a moment to thank all of you who have
made so many plugins, macros, written so much documentation, answered
questions i didn't even know i had on your various websites, showed me
so many things that tiddlywiki can do, welcomed me into this community
without even knowing i was here yet, and so on. i love how tiddlywiki
basically solves all the issues of what i want a computer to do for me
all in one place, and i love that there are so many ways to tweak the
file to make it even more how i want it to look and work.

i started my first tiddlywiki file (and now have two already!) 20 days
ago, and have read through a lot of the tw beginner documentation all
over to have a pretty good base to be starting from. i've fiddled with
my tiddlywikis to the point where i've been through every shadowed
tiddler and tweaked the contents (except for the don't-mess-with
stylesheets) such that the layout and the aesthetics are basically to
my liking.

but(!), and you could probably see this coming, now i want more! i
feel like at this point that i want to be able to do things to my
tiddlywiki that i'm not finding how to do in the beginner
documentation websites. i've been to tiddlywiki.org and have not been
able to find the answers to the now-current questions i have, so i
thought i would post them here, and see what answers you all might

first off, i am currently (sadly) running OS X 10.3.9 and will be able
to get to my update discs soon, (to be running at least 10.4 or maybe
10.5) but for the moment i am traveling, and am not able to update
this computer yet. because of the old OS, i've been running into some
script problems when i visit some of your sites... for instance, when
i go to tiddlytools, i get a warning error saying one of the scripts
won't work, and do i want to continue or stop the script? either way i
do it, i am still able to view the site and find the plugins i am
looking for, but that is one example of how some javascript stuff
isn't working for me on this old OS. google docs also can be read, but
not edited, for instance.

second off, i have basic html skills/knowledge, and have built
websites from scratch before, but am totally unfamiliar with
javascript coding (except that i think that it is the coding that has
a lot of if/then variables, and has periods in front of command
lines?). in the plugins, i have been able to successfully edit some
basic things like the background color of the hover menu buttons, but
have been unable to figure out other things that i want to change
(like how to get the togo text field to be the same pixel length as
the search text field). even when i don't touch the plugin to try to
change anything, i've only been able to get some plugins and macros to
successfully work for me (is this possibly due to the old OS?).

[plugins i have been able to get to work: Goto, HoverMenu,
IntelliTagger, SuppressEmtpyTags, TagCloud, Tagger (kind of),
TiddlersBar, ToggleSideBar, and FontSize ... plugins i have not been
able to get to work ForEachTiddler, Calendar, Drag, Splashscreen, and
some others i don't remember because i deleted them when i couldn't
get them to work.]

so, with all of that in mind, my questions are:

+ can anyone recommend good tutorials or documentation for a total
(but reasonably bright and interested) javascript beginner to better
understand what (the heck) she's looking at when she is in the back of
the plugins and source codes? at this point i'm not really interested
in trying to write my own plugins, but would like to be able to know
what they mean, at least generally.

+ does anyone know about any good tiddlywiki intermediate
documentation? the tiddlywiki for the rest of us 'advanced users'
information is already stuff that makes sense and is familiar to me,
and i am having a hard time navigating the tiddlywiki.org site to find
what i am looking for... my plan is to (continue to) go through the
table of contents there, and just skim or read each entry for new
information, but that will be a mishmash of beginner, intermediate,
and advanced documentation, as well as beyond-advanced (developer)
documentation... so it would be nice to find a spot that is
specifically for people who understand the tiddly toddler stage, but
who aren't playing tiddly basketball yet. as it were.

+ i am wanting to get my new tiddlers to open with no text prompt in
them. i can't find a way to do that in the shadowed tiddlers, though i
found the command that seems to reference the text prompt. where can i
edit that command? the search function didn't find it for me... is
that something i would have to do from the source code? i have yet to
look at the source code... can i open my local tiddlywiki file in an
html editor so as to change the source code without messing with my
text content? or ??

+ i am also wanting to get certain new tiddlers to open with certain
text prompting already in it (basically an 'open new worksheet' link
that would open a new tiddler that already had certain text i'd
written, and then blanks i could fill in, which would not be text
field form boxes, but would just start a new line, if that makes
sense). i assume i would have to do something like find where the 'new
journal' command lives, copy that, call it something else like 'new
worksheet,' copy the code but change the default text to have the
content i want, and then put a <<newWorksheet>> command in the
sidebar. is this in the source code also? is there a plugin that does
this for me? i kind of thought i'd seen something that does this the
first time i was perusing tiddly vault, but since then, i haven't been
able to find it. i guess the 'add contact info' plugin(s?) would also
be similar, but twab seems pretty complicated, at least in that it has
multiple tiddlers to import.

+ i am able to get the sidebar to toggle, but am unable to get it to
default to 'hide.' i followed what i understood of the documentation,
but it hasn't worked for me so far. is this the kind of thing i should
ask about here, or is it better protocol to email the person who wrote
the plugin code directly?

+ i'm not getting the 'embed twitter feed' script to work, even though
i am using exactly what twitter spit out for me when i followed their
instructions... is this likely due to my old OS, or do i need a
special plugin to get something like that to work properly?

+ i am sure i have loads of other questions, but for the moment, that
seems like a plenty long enough start. :)

hope you all are well! thanks so much!


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