For those who don't understand the context this is about

I wasn't 100% sure how to deal with this scenario better so decided I
would leave it to one side.

How I use it is like so.. the date of marriage is the date that
someone married into a family.

For instance if Bob Robson married Jane Smith since I am interested in
the Robson tree I would add their marriage date on the the Jane Smith
tiddler. If Jane later remarried I will probably just add it as a
footnote in the text as I wouldn't be as interested in her family tree
usually... altought there may be edge cases. Since I have not found an
edge case I haven't solved this problem.

Obviously you could add fields quite easily for further dates of
marriage, however currently spouses are modelled as an unordered list
(similar to tags) so it might be tricky to match up which dates are
associated with which person..

An alternative way might be to consider ditching the spouse field on
each tiddler and using spouse_x dom_x fields where x is a number. A
macro could allow the addition of new spouses. Currently I don't have
the free time or interest in exploring this however.


On Dec 6, 11:47 am, Tobbe <> wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> If I have a person who was married more than once who do I put in the
> marriage date for that second marriage? Do I need to have two date-
> field or can it be fixed someother way. Like it is now I only can have
> one marriage-date - it's for the first spouse.
> Senario:
> ------------
> John Adams married Sara Jones 1 Jan 1888
> John Adams married Mary Jones 1 Jun 1903
> //Tobbe

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