I have made a new version of #2 which has both @moveable and
@tiddlytagmindmap included.
This means that it will get updated whenever those are updated.
Ps: Stylesheet is composed a little better for the icons....
Get it here:
or include it: moveabletagmap

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

On 29 Dec., 21:49, Måns <humam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi TiddlyWikiAfficionados
> I had a little spare time, so I setup 2 spaces meant for inclusion and
> one "normal" TiddlyWiki on TiddlySpot:
> 1)http://moveable.tiddlyspace.com/- Eric's moveable.html modified to
> work on TiddlySpace + breadcrumbs tabs on every tiddler...
> 2)http://tagmindmapmove.tiddlyspace.com/- same as nr 1 but also
> featuring Jon's TiddlyTagMindMap (by inclusion) directly in the
> PageTemplate
> 3)http://moveablemindmap.tiddlyspot.com/- same as nr 2, but without
> most of the TiddlySpace specific plugins....
> Please enjoy..
> Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
> Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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