
I would need some help from you TiddlyWiki gurus. Here is the big
picture of what I am trying to achieve :
I want to have a specific tiddler template for meeting notes. In that
tiddler, I would like to have an element which creates a new tiddler
(TODO or task) which should get the title of the current one as a tag.
So that those two are connected and the first tiddler (meeting notes)
will contain a list of TODOs.

So for the first requirement (creating new tiddler) I would need
something like this :

<<newTiddler title:"TODO" tag:<<view title>> >>

and for the list of TODOs :

<<list filter "[tag[<<view title>>]]">>

It looks so simple, but it turned out that you cannot use nested
macros, so that the output of the <<view title>> macro will become the
input for the tag parameter of the <<newTiddler>> macro.

Can anyone help solving this ? Maybe I am totally on the wrong path,
since I am totally new to tiddlyWiki customization ...



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