Hi rafaeld,
Welcome at the Tiddly* verse.

On Mar 25, 3:34 pm, rafaeld <rafaeldegenn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <<treeview2 "TipTop" "filetree" 'collapsed: false, antisesame:
> "closed", animated: "fast", persist: "cookie", cookieId: "UNIQUEID"'>>

<<treeview2 "TipTop" ... cookieId: "yourCookieID"'>>

As whatever mentioned allready. It can be any name. It just should be
unique. It won't hurt your data, if it isn't unique. But the system
stores some info at the cookie. If you use the same cookie for 2
menues, they don't work propperly.

If you prefix your cookies with chk.. or txt.. they will be saved/
loaded automatically by the core.

chk .. check .. is used for boolean information true/false
txt .. text .. is used for plain text

> I'm also aware that using the file on multiple computers will create
> cookie problems, and there are workarounds, but I haven't even reached
> that point yet.
I wouldn't say its problems. For me it was inconveniences. But since
the core version 2.6.2 there is a SystemConfig tiddler wich may help.
But as you wrote. Don't worry about this at the beginning.

> My research decided me on tw-treeview-executive as best distribution
> (I tend to like extra bells and whistles). ..
IMO it's a good choice.

> .. I'm willing to use tw-
> treeview-executive at a low level and grow into it.
I am sure, the group will help you :) So just post your question.

have fun!

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