Hi Alex

> >TiddlyWikiWizards discuss the matter:http://blip.tv/play/gtQ9ve0vAg
> This is surely a case for more Eric and Jeremy vids. Great stuff. I
> never seen this. Are there any more? an there be more? Very
> interesting to see people talking like this.
> More Please!

I found it at unamesa.org. It's the third video in a series of three:
"Eric at TiddlyWest".
The two first videos are Eric talking about TW concepts....
1) http://blip.tv/play/gtQ9vexsAg
2) http://blip.tv/play/gtQ9ve0NAg
3) http://blip.tv/play/gtQ9ve0vAg

Enjoy :-)

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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