SystemSettings uses cookies too. it will make my options private only
on my pc. to prevent tiddly wiki to create cookies I have to copy and

 window.saveCookie = function(name) { }

on the zzConfig tiddler? or Should I configure it? I'm not able with

On Jul 22, 11:55 am, PMario <> wrote:
> There was a thread lately [1].
> You can create a tiddler named eg: zzConfig and tag it systemConfig
> insert:
> window.saveCookie = function(name) { }
> //}}}
> * save
> * reload
> ==========
> If you want to store some options, that are normaly stored in cookies
> you can use a shadow tiddler named  SystemSettings. This is part of TW
> since Version 2.6.2. You can check your version with <<version>>
> macro.
> If you have a look at the "backstage: tweak" tab you can see some
> cookies.
> eg: txtBackupFolder
> if you want to save this one in SystemSettings use:
> txtBackupFolder: backups
> ===========
> If you want to permanently save, if a slider is open or closed you can
> save this state too:
> eg:
> <<slider chkMySlider1 tiddlerName "label" "tooltip">>
> uses the cookie chkMySliderState1 to save its state:
> SystemSettings
> chkMySliderState1: true;
> If SystemSettings contains the value, it will be saved.
> have fun!
> -m
> [1]

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