I accomplish a mouseover popup using a combination of
http://www.tiddlytools.com/#AliasPlugin and 
In my [[MainMenu]] I have:
<<alias preview {{"[[%0]]+++^*@\<\<tiddler [[%0]]\>\>==="}}>>
<<alias preview2 {{"[[%1|%0]]+++^*@\<\<tiddler [[%0]]\>\>==="}}>>

The 'preview' alias takes a single parameter: the name of the tiddler
to display (wrapped in [[]] if there are spaces in the title). The
'prevew2' alias takes an additional parameter: a description of the
tiddler that will display in place of the tiddlers' title.

You can accomplish the same thing without using 
(only http://www.tiddlytools.com/#NestedSlidersPlugin is needed):
[[TiddlerTitle]]+++^*@<<tiddler [[TiddlerTitle]]>>===
[[Tiddler Description|TiddlerTitle]]+++^*@<<tiddler

If you find a better, i.e. quicker, more efficient, more robust,
solution please post here for everyone to consider.


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